Woodlands Primary School and Nursery


We’re really proud of our smart looking children in our school uniform here at Woodlands. The uniform makes things easier for parents too as it’s affordable and durable. You can read more about what you’ll need below.

  • Green Crewe Neck sweatshirt / Cardigan (optional to have school logo), Green Logo Fleece (optional) Bottle Green polo-shirt, grey trousers or skirt and black school shoes (no sandals or trainers).
  • For summer wear, girls may also wear green gingham dresses, boys may wear grey shorts.
  • The School PE Kit consists of a white T shirt and black shorts and Black Joggers for Winter. During PE lessons all personal effects should be removed. Staff will give a verbal reminder to pupils. If they cannot be removed (i.e. recently pierced ears with studs), staff have a duty of care to ensure that pupils are able to participate without unnecessarily endangering themselves or those working around them.
  • We ask all children to wear safe, flat sensible shoes with good grips. This will be monitored by the staff and Headteacher.
  • Although, we have no dress code for coats, we would like to point out that light coloured coats or those with reflective bands or strips are safer in the winter, when it is dark by home-time.
    • Money, watches, mobile phones and any other valuable items are brought to school entirely at your own risk, we ask you to please discourage this. We discourage children using mobile phones in school. If your child arrives at school with a mobile phone, it will be collected and kept safely until home time by the class teacher. This is part of school policy we request that parents respect this.

      Outdoor Learning

      During the year,  children will be involved in outdoor learning. Please ensure that on the specified days your child comes equipped with clothing suitable for outdoors including warm coat and appropriate shoes in winter and on colder



      If your child has hair that is shoulder length or longer, for safety reasons we recommend that it is tied up. No ornate colourful hair accessories to be used.


      The wearing of jewellery by pupils at our school is not allowed, on Health and Safety grounds and as a deterrent to potential theft, damage and loss. Items of jewellery are worn at the owner’s risk and the school will not be held responsible for the actions of a third parties.

      Small stud earrings for Health and Safety Reasons should only be worn; there is greater risk of injury with larger and dangly earrings.The school’s policy is to tape over studs (please provide tape) during P.E Lessons. Studs are the only earrings allowed to be worn in school.

      Woodlands Primary  School accept no responsibility whatsoever for lost property, no matter how caused.


Buying Uniform

All non logo items can be purchased from a wide range of supermarkets, high street stores and online. Logo items including: jumper, cardigan, fleece bookbags are all optional but an be purchased from Bakers and Sons. 


If you need any uniform support, please see a member of SLT; our Early Help offer ensures that everyone who needs uniform items, will have them!