Woodlands Primary School and Nursery

Governors (ID 1218)

  • Mr Rob Leckey
    Chair of Governors
  • Mr Dave Jackson
    Vice Chair of Governors
  • Mrs Jo Duncombe
  • Miss Ellese Smallwood
    Assistant Headteacher Co-opted Governor
  • Mrs Kirstie Zaki
    Assistant Headteacher Staff Governor
  • Mr Lee Cozens
    Parent Governor
  • Miss Emma Moore
    Co-opted Governor
  • Mr Jeremy Withers
    Co-opted Governor

Meet the Governors

Our Team of Governors are responsible for leadership and management at Woodlands.

Woodlands' Governing Body is responsible for our school and has representatives from across the organisation as well as Governors from a range of different professions. All Governors have completed a skills audit and we ensure that when new Governors are appointed they can bring additional skills and expertise to the Governing Body. In October 2020, we reconstituted the Governing Body in line with the new DfE regulations. When a Governor vacancy becomes available, this will be advertised on the school website, newsletter and Class DOJO page; parents are encouraged to submit expression of interest letters to the school.

Governors are appointed for a four year period of office and are from a wide range of professions to bring expertise to the leadership and management of Woodlands Primary and Nursery School. The Governing Body is responsible for ensuring that Woodlands is well led and therefore holds the Headteacher to account for all aspects of the school. They are closely involved in strategic planning and the future direction of the school with the Senior Leadership Team. Governors meetings this year will focus on: Monitoring Standards of Achievement, Behaviour and Attendance, Monitoring the Quality of Teaching, Staffing and Staff Appraisal, Key Policies, Budget Monitoring and Budget planning, the impact of the Pupil Premium on pupil outcomes, the effectiveness of the Curriculum, Safeguarding and Woodlands in the Community. 

The Full Governing Body meets at least 6 times per year, twice per term (these are shown on the school calendar).

Governors are appointed by the Governing Body and the Local Authority. There are 11 governors required by constitution, they are:-

1 LA Governor - Mr Dave Jackson

1 The Headteacher - Mrs Joanne Duncombe

1 Staff Governor - Mrs Zaki

3 Parent Governors -  Mrs Emma Moore & Mr Lee Cozens

5 Co-opted Governors - Mr Rob Leckey, Mr Jeremy Withers and Miss Ellese Smallwood

The Chair of Governors is Mr Rob Leckey.


Governing Body Information

Instrument of Government for Woodlands (2015) is only changed if there are any changes made to the governing body structure. This is reviewed annually. 

instrument of government for woodlands january 2021.pdf


Register of Details and Attendance Record


Register of Business Interests

Governing bodies are under a duty to publish their register of interests. This register sets out any relevant interests, any other educational establishments that are also Governed or any relationships between Governors and staff  members, if applicable. 


Annual Governing Body Reports

Other Useful Information

Further information can also be found on our policy page, including: 

  • Governors code of Conduct
  • Privacy Notice for Governors
  • Governor Allowance Policy
  • Complaints Policy


Should you wish to contact the Chair of Governors, please email the school admin: woodlands.admin@taw.org.uk, including: 'FAO Chair of Governors' in the subject line. 

Previous Governors:

Yvonne Crilly:

Headteacher Governor

Resigned: December 2024

Rebecca Carey 

Co-opted Governor

Term of Office: September 2020

Resigned: December 2024

Cllr Paul Watling

Co-opted Governor

TERM OF OFFICE: 07th October 2020

RESIGNED: October 2024

Mrs Louise Chaplin

Co-opted Governors of Full Governing Body

TERM OF OFFICE: 07th October 2020


Mr Max Jones

Co-opted Chair of  Governors of Full Governing Body

TERM OF OFFICE: 16th June 2023


Mrs Beverly Bird

Parent Governor of Full Governing Body

TERM OF OFFICE: 4th June 2023


 Mrs Gill Green

Co-opted Governors of Full Governing Body

TERM OF OFFICE : 16th June 2023


 Mrs Sally Beech

Parent Governor of Full Governing Body

TERM OF OFFICE : 4th June 2023

RESIGNED: 13th February 2021