Governors (ID 1218)
Mr Rob LeckeyChair of Governors
Mr Rob Leckey
chair of Governors
Co-Opted Governor
COMMITTEES:Full Governing Body
LINK GOVERNOR:Arts and Culture
TERM OF OFFICE: 16th July 2027
BACKGROUND: Senior Leader in Education – Retired.
I am very happy to be part of this excellent school, serving in the role as a governor and currently the Chair of the Governing Body.
It is lovely to see how this school is run and how it provides an inclusive and high quality education for all the children who attend. As a retired Telford & Wrekin Headteacher I hope to bring a wealth of knowledge and experience from all my years in the education profession. I am a very keen artist. I also enjoy playing golf, gardening, travelling and spending time with my four grandchildren.
Mr Dave JacksonVice Chair of Governors
Mr Dave Jackson
COMMITTEES:Full Governing Body
LINK GOVERNOR:Wellbeing, Safeguarding
TERM OF OFFICE:26 June 2027
BACKGROUND:Local Authority
I joined the governing body to maintain involvement in Education particularly for my grandchildren. I have 39 years experience in teaching and as advisory teacher across all key stages. Higher Education qualifications MA Ed in Child Development, Language and Literacy, Science Education. Diploma in Primary Maths Education. 12 years governor experience at three other schools. Parent and grandparent. Experience of multi-agency working in collocated children’s services. Local knowledge and community involvement in sport and environment. Experience of teaching abroad. My interests are reading, politics, sports/fitness, ecology travel.
Mrs Jo DuncombeHeadteacher
Mrs Jo Duncombe
COMMITTEES:Full Governing Body
LINK GOVERNOR: STEM (Science Technology Engineering Maths)
TERM OF OFFICE: 07 October 2024
BACKGROUND: Senior Leader in Education, Teacher.
I have been a teacher in Primary education for 14 years, 8 of which have been here at Woodlands. Working as a member of Woodlands leadership as the English Lead, as Assistant Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher and now in my current role as Headteacher, has enabled me to be part of a number of significant, strategic changes leading to improved provision and greater opportunities for our children here at Woodlands. For the past 5 years, I have been a member of the Governing body at Woodlands and served as a Governor in my previous setting.
I firmly believe that the curriculum offer at Woodlands is exemplary and the vision and values ensure that the education provided here is exciting and encourages the mental, physical, and spiritual development of every pupil, therefore equipping them with the skills needed to function socially; preparing them for living happy and successful lives. A large part of my wider school role has focused on the development and the sharing of best practice in both my own setting and in other schools throughout the local authority. This includes: working as a Specialist Leader of Literacy (SLL) as part of the English Hub; working as a Specialist Leader in Education (SLE) within a number of schools in the local authority to provide support for Literacy; KS1 and KS2 local authority writing moderator. I am a passionate believer in lifelong learning and have successfully completed the Mathematics Specialist teacher course, have also gained the NPQSL qualification and most recently, have completed a masters in ‘Educational Leadership’.
I thoroughly enjoy working at Woodlands and am grateful for the opportunity to continue to have an impact on outcomes and maintain sustainable progress within the school and its wider communities.
Miss Ellese SmallwoodAssistant Headteacher Co-opted Governor
Miss Ellese Smallwood
COMMITTEES:Full Governing Body
LINK GOVERNOR: Arts and Culture (Curriculum Teams)
TERM OF OFFICE: January 2023
BACKGROUND: Senior Leader in Education, Teacher.
Mrs Kirstie ZakiAssistant Headteacher Staff Governor
Mrs Kirstie Zaki
Mr Lee CozensParent Governor
Mr Lee Cozens
Miss Emma MooreCo-opted Governor
Miss Emma Moore
Mr Jeremy WithersCo-opted Governor
Mr Jeremy Withers
COMMITTEES:Full Governing Body
LINK GOVERNOR: STEM (Science Technology Engineering Maths)
TERM OF OFFICE: 01 May 2027
I feel that through my role as school governor, I offer a view of the world outside education which can support the Head and Senior Leadership team in shaping and executing the school improvement strategy in order to give the young people of out community the best possible start.
Telford statistically has educational outcomes worse than the England average: By encouraging excellent teaching at EYFS, KS1 and KS2 in our school, we can give our young people the possible basis for a lifetime of learning. I have 25 years’ experience working in the business technology sector having worked for a number of large companies. I feel that it is important that STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) are introduced to our young people at an early age, as part of a broad and balanced curriculum offering.
Being a self-confessed career geek, my interests also tend toward the technical. When not enjoying bike rides and walks around the beautiful green spaces of South Telford, I find that constructing and testing pieces of amateur radio equipment or tinkering with my small collection of stationary engines are an excellent way to learn new skills.
dave jackson
Meet the Governors
Our Team of Governors are responsible for leadership and management at Woodlands.
Woodlands' Governing Body is responsible for our school and has representatives from across the organisation as well as Governors from a range of different professions. All Governors have completed a skills audit and we ensure that when new Governors are appointed they can bring additional skills and expertise to the Governing Body. In October 2020, we reconstituted the Governing Body in line with the new DfE regulations. When a Governor vacancy becomes available, this will be advertised on the school website, newsletter and Class DOJO page; parents are encouraged to submit expression of interest letters to the school.
Governors are appointed for a four year period of office and are from a wide range of professions to bring expertise to the leadership and management of Woodlands Primary and Nursery School. The Governing Body is responsible for ensuring that Woodlands is well led and therefore holds the Headteacher to account for all aspects of the school. They are closely involved in strategic planning and the future direction of the school with the Senior Leadership Team. Governors meetings this year will focus on: Monitoring Standards of Achievement, Behaviour and Attendance, Monitoring the Quality of Teaching, Staffing and Staff Appraisal, Key Policies, Budget Monitoring and Budget planning, the impact of the Pupil Premium on pupil outcomes, the effectiveness of the Curriculum, Safeguarding and Woodlands in the Community.
The Full Governing Body meets at least 6 times per year, twice per term (these are shown on the school calendar).
Governors are appointed by the Governing Body and the Local Authority. There are 11 governors required by constitution, they are:-
1 LA Governor - Mr Dave Jackson
1 The Headteacher - Mrs Joanne Duncombe
1 Staff Governor - Mrs Zaki
3 Parent Governors - Mrs Emma Moore & Mr Lee Cozens
5 Co-opted Governors - Mr Rob Leckey, Mr Jeremy Withers and Miss Ellese Smallwood
The Chair of Governors is Mr Rob Leckey.
Governing Body Information
Instrument of Government for Woodlands (2015) is only changed if there are any changes made to the governing body structure. This is reviewed annually.
instrument of government for woodlands january 2021.pdf
Register of Details and Attendance Record
Register of Business Interests
Governing bodies are under a duty to publish their register of interests. This register sets out any relevant interests, any other educational establishments that are also Governed or any relationships between Governors and staff members, if applicable.
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- Governors-Details-and-Attendance-24 25 download_for_offline
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Annual Governing Body Reports
- Annual-Report-to-parents-from-the-Governing-Body-2021-2022 download_for_offline
- Annual-report-to-Parents-from-the-Governing-Body-2022-2023 download_for_offline
- Woodlands-Govs-Annual-Report-to-Parents-2023-2024 download_for_offline
- Woodlands-Govs-Report-to-Parents-2019 2020 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineWoodlands-Govs-Report-to-Parents-2019 2020
Other Useful Information
Further information can also be found on our policy page, including:
- Governors code of Conduct
- Privacy Notice for Governors
- Governor Allowance Policy
- Complaints Policy
Should you wish to contact the Chair of Governors, please email the school admin:, including: 'FAO Chair of Governors' in the subject line.
Previous Governors:
Yvonne Crilly:
Headteacher Governor
Resigned: December 2024
Rebecca Carey
Co-opted Governor
Term of Office: September 2020
Resigned: December 2024
Cllr Paul Watling
Co-opted Governor
TERM OF OFFICE: 07th October 2020
RESIGNED: October 2024
Mrs Louise Chaplin
Co-opted Governors of Full Governing Body
TERM OF OFFICE: 07th October 2020
Mr Max Jones
Co-opted Chair of Governors of Full Governing Body
TERM OF OFFICE: 16th June 2023
Mrs Beverly Bird
Parent Governor of Full Governing Body
TERM OF OFFICE: 4th June 2023
Mrs Gill Green
Co-opted Governors of Full Governing Body
TERM OF OFFICE : 16th June 2023
Mrs Sally Beech
Parent Governor of Full Governing Body
TERM OF OFFICE : 4th June 2023
RESIGNED: 13th February 2021
- Annual-Report-to-parents-from-the-Governing-Body-2021-2022 download_for_offline
- Governors-Details-and-Attendance-24 25 download_for_offline
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