Woodlands Primary School and Nursery


We are very proud of our school, staff, pupils and their achievements. Below you can read statistical information relating to our school and the key areas of development that we are focussing on to make Woodlands even better!

sdp poster 2024 2025.pdf



The Department for Education publishes a wide range of data about our school. Information on test data, children’s progress, our intake and a range of other figures.



School Results

School attainment results are important as they reflect academic progress and help identify areas for improvement. However, at Woodlands we understand that there are many other measures of success for a school, such as children's well-being, extra-curricular achievements, community involvement, and personal growth. These aspects contribute to a well-rounded education and prepare our children for future challenges. Our ultimate aim is to ensure that our children are happy, healthy, well-rounded individuals, who leave us will the skills they need to succeed in the next stage of their learning and for the rest of their lives! 

We are proud of our school and strive to excel not only in academics but also in providing  a supportive and enriching environment for all children. Our commitment to holistic development ensures that every child can thrive and succeed in various aspects of life.

overall end of year assessment outcomes all phases.pdf


Assessment, recording and reporting

We track pupils’ progress using a combination of formative and summative assessment. We discuss and explain pupil targets with children and provide termly verbal reports against these at parents’ evenings. Pupils receive a written report annually. Teachers and support staff assess pupil learning and progress as an ongoing process within lessons and over time. This is evaluated by three main forms of assessment 

Formative assessment: Used on a day-to-day basis. Teachers use this to adapt their teaching and learning throughout the lesson and to plan the next lesson. This can be informed by:  Summative assessments: Used at the end of a unit of work or at key points throughout the term. This can support the teachers to establish whether a child has remembered knowledge over time.   Statutory national tests and assessments set by the Government to compare children’s achievement from school to school.
  • Observing existing knowledge at the beginning of the lesson through
  • Open ended questions to seek pupil understanding
  • Working with a guided group through 1:1 discussion
  • Observing the progress pupils make during a lesson
  • Marking pupils’ work
  • Observing the discussions children have with one another, or adults
  • Class or small group discussions
  • Children self assessing and evaluating  their own work
  • Guided reading records
  • '99 club' in maths
Times Table Rockstars
  • Half Termly phonic assessments of all children accessing RWI
  • Planning regular assessment opportunities throughout the term, used to identify strengths and areas of development-communicated with the children.
  • IPAWS are completed at least half termly indicated in the Long Term Curriculum overview, and are marked using the whole school agreed writing mark/moderation grids.
  • Teachers use a range of end of unit tests for Maths, Science and Foundation Subjects (White Rose, Twinkl and those created by subject leaders).
  • Standardised tests for Reading, Maths and SPAG (NFER- Y1,3,4,5,) and past SAT papers for Y2 and Y6 and completed. These are carried out at the end of each term
  • Boxall Questionnaires are also used when gathering data for some pupils, particularly for those pupils with SEND.
  • If a child arrives from another school, they will be assessed within the first few days of their arrival
  • Formal standardised scores are recorded on the whole school data management system-BROMCOM. This information is then triangulated to generate an overall teacher assessment for each child.
  • Expected ELG by the end of Reception
  • Baseline assessment in EYFS-within the first 6 weeks of Reception
  • Y1 and Y2 phonic screening test
  • Y2 (non statutory) end of Key Stage 1 assessments
  • Y4 Multiplication tables check
  • Y6 end of Key Stage 2 tests and assessments


Once data has been completed, subject leaders and senior leaders analyse whole school data, to identify trends, strengths and areas of development and to inform/assess the impact of interventions and strategies. Analysis also includes:

  • Achievement and progress by year group
  • Achievement and progress by gender
  • Achievement and progress by ethnic group/ language
  • Achievement and progress of pupils with disabilities and/or special educational needs
  • Achievement and progress of disadvantaged pupils who are eligible for the Pupil Premium