Year 1’s January Update.


In Maths, the children have been developing their understanding of place value and working with numbers up to 50, by counting forwards and back. They have also been representing two-digit numbers within 50, using tens frames and dienes.  The children then applied their understanding of place value when completing addition and subtraction equations involving numbers 0 – 20. To support them with this, they used number lines, physical resources or jottings.


In Geography, the children have explored their experiences of the United Kingdom and the wider world. They can now name the four countries of the UK and have a better understanding of their position within it. They also have a better understanding of the UK’s position within the continent of Europe.  They have also begun to explore some of the other continents of the world.

In Spring 2, we will further this understanding again as we explore the differences in human and physical features of Ghana compared to the UK, including the weather – drawing upon prior knowledge of continents.


In Science, the children have furthered their knowledge of seasonal change and are now building on their understanding of how day length varies. In recent weeks, they have begun to explore the timing of the sunrise and sunset, and how these change throughout the seasons.


In Music, the children have been listening to, and appraising, a range of different genres of music, thinking carefully about the style, the structure, and the instruments they can hear.




Year 1 Spellings

The children in year 1 will be learning red word (high frequency words) as they work their way through the Read Write Inc phonics programme. The will learn how to recognise them as they are reading alongside learning to spell them accurately.

Red words

Alongside learning red words the children will be given weekly spellings that are specifically linked to the story that they will be reading that week. They will practise them daily in school and will also take them home to practise. We will send these home with the children in Autumn 2. See below an example of the spellings that will go home.

Pink book spellings

Year 1 Homework

Year 1 Homework 2023

This is a reminder about homework in Year 1.

Homework will be handed out on a Friday and completed and handed back in by the following Friday.

The children’s homework will consist of daily reading of their phonics reading book and a set of spelling to match their reading ability. The children can also  accessed the same book on line using Oxford Owl.

Children are expected to have a minimum of one diary entry and a signature in their diary each week. However, to help your child develop a love of reading and make accelerated progress within reading, more would be fantastic ! For each signature in their diary, a reading raffle ticket will be awarded. At the end of each term, a name is picked to win a book token.

Numeracy homework will consist of one consolidation task to reflect the week’s learning in class. The children have also been provided a personal login  for Numbots.

Numbots’ is an online game/app that the children can play to help improve basic number facts. The really great thing about this game is that the game will not move a child on until it deems that they are fluent enough with the number facts covered so far. It is repetitive and prompts the children to know and recall their number facts speedily.

Useful links – login.



Year 1’s May Learning.


In Science this term, we have continued to learn about plants with a focus on ‘Common Wild and Garden Flowers including Trees. To support an enquiry base style of learning, we explored our local environment through a Nature walk around the Lloyds Meadow and surrounding area. The children were asked to explore and observe their surrounding looking for a range of common wildflowers and trees. We also used mindfulness to listen carefully to what we could hear all around us as we lay in the soft, long grass of the Meadow.


This term we have been learning to play the recorder. Once we had overcome the excitement of blowing our recorders, we learnt and practiced playing the note B and then the note A,before performing a short piece of music using these two notes.

Jubilee celebration

Whole school Art project.

This term we were asked to take part in a whole school Art project. Each year group was allocated an artist to study and then asked to create a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II in the style of their artist.  In year 1 we explored Joan Miro and used his abstract style to create our own work.


November’s Learning


This term the children have been developing their number sense and knowledge of place value by manipulating numbers to 20. This has been achieved in several ways to solve one -step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects, pectoral representation, and missing number problems.


This term the children continue to practise and learn a range of new sounds using the Read write Inc programme. It is lovely to see the children applying this knowledge to their writing within their phonics/ literacy lessons and to writing across the curriculum.


To support our learning in history we visited Blists Hill Victorian Town, near Ironbridge.     The children had an amazing day, as they explored and compared the clothes we wear today against the clothes the Victorian children would have worn 150 years ago during the reign of Queen Victoria. They looked carefully to see what was similar and what was different to how we dress today.
We also learnt how the Victorian lived and the jobs both children and adults would have to do before we ourselves experienced washing clothes by hand in the laundry. We used a wash tub, grated soap before experiencing the strenuous task of winding a mangle. All learning was supported through story telling as the children were tasked with delivering letters from the Post Office.

Welcome back

Welcome back to Year 1. We have had a fabulous first week  and have really enjoyed getting to know all the new children and new staff.

Our topics for this term will be Wild Weather and Past and Present, where we will begin by learning with Human and physical Geography and seasonal changes and daily weather in our local area and the UK. We will also be exploring Chronology- and a timeline of the children’s family life.

During Science we have began to explore seasonal changes- making observations and recording measurements.

P.E will be on a Wednesday . Please can the children come into school each Wednesday in their correct P.E kit (white t-shirt, black shorts, black tracksuit and trainers).

Homework will be handed out on a Friday and is to be returned on the following Thursday unless otherwise stated. Homework will consist of a spelling and a maths activity. Spelling will be linked to your child’s phonics group and the coloured reading book they are reading.

Reading at home. We would like you to read with your child 3 times a week and help us to promote the love of reading. Each time your child reads at home a raffle ticket will be entered into a draw at the end of each term.

Numeracy- We will be starting the term learning about place value and number. We  will then continue to use this knowledge as we explore addition and subtraction.

Attached is the PowerPoint used at our parents open evening from 6th September 2021

Parents presentation – Welcome to year 1

Thank you from the Year 1 team.