June in Year 3

This month in Literacy, the children have been looking at the features of character descriptions. They have been reading ‘The Witches’ as part of our class story so the children have written a character description about Grandma. They will be writing an independent character description about the Grand High Witch next week.

In Maths, the children have been identifying fractions and finding equivalent fractions for 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4 using a fraction wall to help them. They have also been learning to read the time to the nearest minute, past and to the hour. Please can you practise this with your child at home?

In Science, the children have been investigating the best conditions for a plant to grow in. They have placed different plants in places around the classroom (dark, cold, sunlight, no water, water) to see which plants grow the best.

In our History lessons, the children have been learning about the Roman legacy and how much influence the Romans have had on our lives today.

Next week, the children will meet their new teachers. There will be a transition booklet sent out on Friday so you know which teachers will be in each year group next year.

Year 3’s May Update

Year 3 have had an amazing month!

The children started the month off with a visit to Wroxeter Roman City to begin their learning about the Romans. The children were fascinated with the interesting facts they learnt about Roman life.

In their Literacy lessons, the children have written a recount of their visit to Wroxeter and from their writing they really enjoyed their visit!

In Numeracy, the children have been completing their learning on measures and learning how to add coins and calculate change.

As part of their Science learning, they have been investigating the permeability of rocks to find out which rock would be most suitable for a roof. The children really enjoyed making careful observations and concluding which rock they thought would be most suitable.

As part of their PE lessons, the children have been learning a sequence of movements to a song ‘Run, Boy, Run’. These movements were performed in unison or a canon motion and we are hoping to film the children’s dance once they have completed it.

Year 3’s April Learning

This month, Year 3 have been writing a biography in Literacy about JK Rowling. The children have been learning about the rules for using an apostrophe to show possession, as well as using a range of conjunctions.

In Maths, the children have been looking at measures (capacity, length and mass). They have enjoyed the practical aspect of these lessons and consolidated their learning in their books.

As part of their history theme ‘The Romans’, the children visited Wroxeter. The guide showed us around the site and we were also able to learn more about the Romans at the museum as well as dress up as Romans!

As part of their Science work, the children are looking forward to their new topic of ‘Rocks’. They have already had chance to explore different types of rocks and describe their properties.

Children creating a mosaic

Year 3’s March Update

Over the last week, the children have completed some reading and numeracy assessments. They have all worked very hard and we are very proud of them.

During Literacy this month, the children have been exploring a range of explanation texts and they are due to write our own explanation text about ‘How to look after a cockapoo’. The children met with Mrs Crilly and her two dogs and she told them about how to look after cockapoos and what things her dogs like and dislike.

In Numeracy, the children have been learning about fractions. They have been exploring unit and non-unit fractions and how to find fractions of amounts.

In their music lessons, children have been learning to play the recorder to the song ‘Let the spirit fly’. They performed this as a class as well as in smaller groups.

Year 3’s February Update

This month in Literacy, the children have written a setting description about the Giant’s Causeway in Ireland. They focused on using adjectives and adverbs to create expanded noun phrases to make their writing exciting and interesting for the reader.

In Numeracy,. the children have learnt methods for multiplying a two-digit number by a single digit number, for example 32 x 5. This half term, the children are expected to learn and recall their 8x table fluently – please support your child by practising at home!

During Science lessons, the children have enjoyed the start of their new topic ‘Animals and Humans’. They looked at the digestive system and how nutrients are absorbed into the blood stream using real food and re-creating the digestive system in the classroom!

Child sticking on paper onto cardboard box

As part of their Design and Technology project, the children designed and made their own castle using materials available to them. The design specification was that their castle must be strong and sturdy, have a flag and a drawbridge.

As part of their geographical learning on the local area, the children will be walking down to Ironbridge next Wednesday at 1:30pm. Please ensure they wear their school uniform but bring their trainers/walking shoes with them.

Year 3’s January Update

The children have had an amazing start to 2024!

In Literacy, they have learnt about the features of poetry and wrote their own poem based on the poem ‘What a Wonderful World’. The children are now learning about expanded noun phrases and prepositions in preparation for writing their own setting description.

During Numeracy lessons, the children have mastered the expanded decomposition method for subtraction (model in their homework books!). They are now learning about the properties of 2D and 3D shapes.

The children have enjoyed using atlases in Geography to identify lines of latitude and longitude, before moving on to identify counties and cities in the United Kingdom. If you have an atlas or globe at home, please encourage your child to show you what they have learnt so far.

Year 3’s December Update

This month in Year 3, the children enjoyed writing their own instructions on how to make a cave painting in their Literacy lessons.

During Maths, they have began to use the formal column method to solve addition equations. They will continue with this after Christmas for consolidation.

In Science, the children  looked at a range of materials and tested four different types of materials to see what would be the most reflective. They found out that foil was very reflective, although this wouldn’t be comfortable to wear. After looking at our results and having a discussion, the children decided the material used on a walking bus jacket was the most appropriate and effective in reflecting light.

This month, the children have completed a range of assessments in Reading, Writing, Numeracy and History. They have all shown us how much they have learnt this term – well done Year 3.

Thank you for your support this term – we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2024.

Year 3’s November Update

This month in Literacy, the children have developed their understanding of the story ‘The First Drawing’. They have also practised using co-ordinating conjunctions and learnt about contractions. As well as this, they have been learning how to use thesauruses to look up synonyms. We are now moving onto instructional writing and today the children gave and followed instructions to make a jam sandwich.

In their Numeracy lessons, the children have learnt to divide by 3, 4 and 8. They have also learnt how to draw and interpret tally charts, pictograms and bar charts. Over the next week, they children will be learning a formal method for addition.

In Science, the children have enjoyed their first lesson about light. They looked in a dark box to see if they could identify the object in there. They found out that they needed some light to enable them to see the object clearly. The children sorted a range of pictures into two groups; is a light source and is not a light source.

Just a reminder, the children are going to the Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre on Wednesday 29th November. They will need to wear their school jumper, with PE bottoms and suitable footwear for walking. They will need a small bag and a drinks bottle, as well as their lunch if they are not having a school sandwich.

Children spreading jam on bread

A child looking into a dark box

Year 3’s October Update

This month, the children have written their own version of ‘The Stone Age Boy’. They used inverted commas, coordinating conjunctions and a range of adjectives to make their stories interesting.

In Maths, the children have been adding a two digit number to a three digit number using jottings. After half term, the children will be using an expanded column method to add three digit numbers together.

In Science this month, the children have enjoyed planning an investigation to find out which magnets are the strongest.

Children eating fruit off a skewer

As part of their Design and Technology project, the children have made Japanese fruit skewers and planned and made their own vegetable pastry tart. We have attached the recipes on Class Dojo should you wish to make them at home with your child.

Year 3 September 2023

What a great start to Year 3!

This month the children have settled well into their new classes.

In Literacy, the children have enjoyed reading the Stone Age boy. The children have showed their understanding by answering a range of comprehension questions and exploring the vocabulary. The children are now writing sentences about the Stone Age boy using coordinating conjunctions.

In Numeracy, the children can now recognise the place value of three-digit numbers and are able to find 10 more/10 less and 100 more/100 less of a three-digit number.

In their Science lessons, they have looked at forces and carried out their first investigation to find out which material causes the most friction.

Children writing

The children have thoroughly enjoyed their first Spanish lessons and they have learnt how to greet others and ask how they are.