This month in Literacy, the children have been looking at the features of character descriptions. They have been reading ‘The Witches’ as part of our class story so the children have written a character description about Grandma. They will be writing an independent character description about the Grand High Witch next week.
In Maths, the children have been identifying fractions and finding equivalent fractions for 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4 using a fraction wall to help them. They have also been learning to read the time to the nearest minute, past and to the hour. Please can you practise this with your child at home?
In Science, the children have been investigating the best conditions for a plant to grow in. They have placed different plants in places around the classroom (dark, cold, sunlight, no water, water) to see which plants grow the best.
In our History lessons, the children have been learning about the Roman legacy and how much influence the Romans have had on our lives today.
Next week, the children will meet their new teachers. There will be a transition booklet sent out on Friday so you know which teachers will be in each year group next year.