Autumn 2 in Year One

Autumn 2 has been a busy one in Year 1!

The children have continued to work hard with their reading in their Phonics groups – the staff, and FRED, have been very impressed! In Spring 1, the children’s target is to recall all set 2 special friends sounds. Resources to support this will be sent home soon, in addition to the virtual classroom links. Parents – watch this space!

In Maths, the children have furthered their understanding of subtraction involving numbers up to 20 – using physical resources, a number line or jottings. They have also explored capacity using non-standard measures such as rice, water and sand. It got very messy!

In Geography, the children have furthered their understanding of human and physical features in their local area. In Spring 1, they will further this understanding again considering human and physical features in the UK and then Ghana!

In Science, the children have explored how day length varies throughout the seasons. They now know that in the winter the day is shorter than in the summer.

In Music, the children have continued to rehearse their recorder skills – learning notes A and B. The next challenge is to play them consecutively!

We are very much looking forward to Spring 1 in Year 1.