Jigsaw homework

(picture of a homework sign)

Jigsaw children have homework each week – given out on a Friday. This will consist of maths work – that is based on the previous weeks learning and practised in class on a Friday. This homework is only for children who attend Jigsaw for their maths lessons.

(picture of a spelling poster)

Jigsaw children also have spellings to complete each week. Again this is only for children who attend the Jigsaw provision for their literacy lessons. The spellings are based on the following weeks book to support their knowledge and accurate use of the keywords from their texts.


All homework is expected to be returned by Thursday and children who have not completed it will be supported to complete this during break times on Thursday.

(picture of a reading book)

The children are also expected to have 2 reading comments a week in their reading diaries. This is checked on a Friday. The children will receive a reading ticket for each comment in their diary and then if their name is picked out in reading assemblies, they can will a prize. The children’s reading books are selected to support their current reading level, however, if you feel they are either too tricky or too easy, then let us know and we can ensure the children have a book that is an appropriate challenge for them.

Your support with the children’s homework is greatly appreciated and we value your help to complete this. If there is anything you are unsure about then please don’t hesitate to contact me either through class dojo’s or by phone.

Mrs Housley