Nursery News Spring 1 week 2

It’s been another busy week in nursery! The children have been learning all about identifying rhyming words in the story of the ‘The Gruffalo’ by Julia Donaldson as part of their literacy learning and exploring seasonal change in their project learning time. Nursery have also started the ‘Brilliant Brushers’ programme this week to support them with brushing their teeth.

Next week, nursery will have a maths focus during their adult-directed learning using the story of ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle.

Key vocabulary:

  • same
  • how many?
  • sort
  • total
  • number
  • amount
  • numeral
  • match
  • accurately
  • count


The ‘Favourite Five’ story for next week will be ‘There’s a Monster in Your Book’ by Tom Fletcher

Key Vocabulary to share with your child:

  • shake
  • tickle
  • blow
  • tilt
  • wiggle
  • spinning
  • dizzy
  • monster

Our focus song will be ‘Dr Foster’.




The Secrets of Success award this week for ‘Don’t Give Up’ and the winners have shown resilience and persistence to keep going when things get tricky. Well done to Hilton, Mandeeya, Logan and Thomas!

learning journey sharing

This week it was brown group’s turn to take their learning journeys home for sharing with their friends and family. Please remember to return on Monday.

key dates for spring term

  • Phonics ‘stay and learn’ sessions will run through the week beginning 22nd January – 26th January 2024
  • Term ends on Friday 9th February 2024

Spring1 Week 1

It’s been a great week back in nursery, the children have settled into the routines again brilliantly. Nursery learnt the story ‘Kind’ by Axel Scheffler with links to Personal, Social and Emotional Development as they represented their ideas about being kind through mark-making and role-play.

Next week, nursery will be exploring rhyming words in the story of the ‘The Gruffalo’ by Julia Donaldson as part of their literacy learning.

Vocabulary linked to adult-directed learning.

  • rhyming words/phrasing
  • stroll
  • terrible
  • frightfully
  • poisonous
  • feast
  • scrambled
  • scariest
  • astounding


The ‘Favourite Five’ story for next week will be ‘Oi Frog!’ by Kes Gray. 


Key Vocabulary to share with your child:

  • knobbly
  • uncomfortable
  • hare
  • mule
  • stool
  • gopher
  • iron
  • plough
  • stork
  • pillar
  • weasel
  • easel
  • newt
  • flute
  • gibbon

Our focus song will be ‘The Wheels on the Bus’.


The Secrets of Success award this week for ‘Understand Others’ and the winners have shown that they can help others and understand when their friends are upset. Well done to Ivy-Leigh, Addison, Harry and Lottie-Rose!

learning journey sharing

This week it was blue group’s turn to take their learning journeys home for sharing with their friends and family. Please remember to return on Monday.

key dates for spring term

  • Phonics ‘stay and learn’ sessions will run through the week beginning 22nd January – 26th January 2024
  • Term ends on Friday 9th February 2024

Nursery News Autumn 2 week 7

What a fabulous last week of the Autumn term! Nursery have enjoyed lot of Christmas Crafting; making magic reindeer dust and Christmas cards to take home for Christmas, they even had a visit from Father Christmas himself!

When they return after Christmas, Nursery will be learning the story ‘Kind’ by Axel Scheffler with links to Personal, Social and Emotional Development as the children will be thinking about acts of kindness.

Key vocabulary:

  • kind
  • happy
  • friend


The ‘Favourite Five’ story for the first week back will be ‘The Lion Inside’ by Rachel Bright and Jim Field. 

Key Vocabulary to share with your child:

  • lion
  • inside
  • sparkled
  • mighty
  • quietest
  • meekest
  • ignored
  • toothsome
  • impressed
  • cleverest
  • slumbering
  • forever

Our focus song will be ‘Miss Molly had a Dolly’.


The Secrets of Success award this week for ‘Improve’ and the winners have shown that they can work hard to get better at their learning. Well done to Ivy and Charlie!

key dates for spring term

  • Term Begins on Tuesday 9th January 2024
  • Phonics ‘stay and learn’ sessions will run through the week beginning 22nd January – 26th January 2024
  • Term ends on Friday 9th February 2024

spring curriculum overview

Nursery News, Autumn 2 week 6

It’s been another busy week in nursery. The children worked really hard to learn the songs and dances for the nativity and were incredible as stars. Thank you to everyone who came and supported and for providing the costumes.

In their adult-directed time, nursery learnt the story ‘The Magic Sleigh’, thinking about ‘1 more’ and matching amounts of objects to numerals.


The ‘Favourite Five’ story next week will be ‘The Christmas Pine’ by Julia Donaldson. 

Key Vocabulary to share with your child:

  • pine
  • cone
  • whispering
  • tall
  • high
  • distant
  • travelled
  • city
  • reindeer


The Secrets of Success award this week for ‘Imagine’ and the winners have shown that they can use their imaginations. A huge well done to Alice, Angela,


This week, it was red group’s turn to take their learning journeys home to share all of their hard work with their families. Please remember to return on Monday.

key dates

20th December – Christmas Dinner and Christmas Jumper day

22nd December – LAST DAY and Christmas jumpers.

Nursery News Autumn 2 week 5

What a great week! The children have been busy learning all of the songs and practicing for their upcoming nativity performance. They have also been working on their physical development – practicing their balance and stretching during yoga. In their project learning time, they have been thinking about designing and creating their own Christmas images and writing letters to Santa.


The ‘Favourite Five’ story next week will be ‘The Christmas Story’ which will link to  adult-directed learning.

Key Vocabulary to share with your child:

  • carpenter
  • innkeeper
  • inn
  • stable
  • manger
  • shepherds
  • angel
  • star

Nursery will continue to practice their Nativity songs next week ready for the performance on Thursday.

For their adult directed learning, nursery will be learning to find ‘how many?’ using the story The Magic Little Sleigh by Anna Claybourne. Below is some key vocabulary to support your child’s learning:

  • same
  • how many?
  • sort
  • number
  • amount
  • numeral
  • match
  • count
  • accurate


The Secrets of Success award this week for ‘Push Yourself’ and the winners have shown that they are willing to keep going when things get hard. A huge well done to Kanmi, Caleb, Hilton and Hazel.


This week, it was purple group’s turn to take their learning journeys home to share all of their hard work with their families. Please remember to return on Monday.

key dates

14th December – EYFS Nativity

Nursery News Autumn 2 week 4

It’s been another busy week in nursery! The children have been busy learning all of the songs and practicing for their upcoming nativity performance. During their adult direction time, nursery have been learning the story ‘Dear Zoo’ and have been thinking about describing words for the characters in the story. They have also enjoyed exploring the frost in the natural environment and thinking about freezing and melting.


The ‘Favourite Five’ story next week will be ‘Sharing a Shell’ by Julia Donaldson which links to Personal, Social and Emotional Development as the children think about sharing.

Key Vocabulary to share with your child:

  • shell
  • share
  • gull
  • empty
  • scuttle
  • safe
  • blob
  • anemone
  • tentacle
  • grown

Nursery will continue to practice their Nativity songs next week.

For their adult directed learning, nursery will be learning to find ‘how many?’ using the story The Magic Little Sleigh by Anna Claybourne. Below is some key vocabulary to support your child’s learning:

  • same
  • how many?
  • sort
  • number
  • amount
  • numeral
  • match
  • count
  • accurately.


The Secrets of Success award this week was for Concentrate – well done to Fauja, Esme, Sophia and Chloe who have shown they can really focus on their learning.


This week, it was orange group’s turn to take their learning journeys home to share all of their hard work with their families. Please remember to return on Monday.

key dates

4th December – Bedtime Stories

14th December – EYFS Nativity


Nursery News Autumn 2 week 3

What a great week in nursery! The children have been busy learning all of the songs and practicing for their upcoming nativity performance. During their adult direction time, nursery have been learning about 2-dimenional shapes and their properties and thinking about selecting appropriate shapes to make pictures.

key information for next week

The ‘Favourite Five’ story next week will be ‘One Snowy Night’ by Nick Butterworth which links to our learning about seasonal change as we move into the winter months and approach Christmas.

Key Vocabulary to share with your child:

  • warm
  • hut
  • cosy
  • blanket
  • hot cocoa
  • miserable
  • shivering
  • shoved

Nursery will continue to practice their Nativity songs next week.

For Nursery’s adult-directed learning, the children will be learning the story ‘Dear Zoo’ by Rod Campbell thinking about adjectives to describe the animals in the story. They will be representing their ideas through mark-making and role play.

Key Vocabulary:

  • adjective
  • wrote
  • fierce
  • danger
  • grumpy
  • naughty
  • perfect

sos winners

The Secrets of Success award this week was for Try New Things – the winning children have shown that they are brave and willing to try things that they haven’t done before! So, a huge well done to Roniel, Emilia, Oliver and Tillie.

learning journey sharing

This week, it was green group’s turn to take their learning journeys home to share all of their hard work with their families. Please remember to return on Monday.



Nursery News Autumn term 2 week 2

It has been a very busy week in nursery!

This week, nursery children have been identifying rhyming words in the story ‘Oi Frog!’ by Kes Gray. They have acted out parts of the story and have used mark-making to represent their ideas. During project learning time, children have responded to the provocation “What’s inside a spiral?” and have studied different artists and then have selected different media to represent their ideas.

phonics stay aND learn

During Nursery’s phonics and Maths time, parents were invited in to see their children’s learning this week. Thank you to all of those that were able to attend.

attingham park trip

EYFS went to Attingham Park to explore seasonal change in the natural environment. Thank you to everyone that was able to support the trip.

key information for next week

The ‘Favourite Five’ story next week will be ‘Binny’s Dawili’ to consolidate the children’s learning about Diwali.

Key Vocabulary to share with your child:

  • festival of lights
  • sari – dress
  • jalebis – orange discs
  • pedas- milk
  • diyas – oil lamps
  • Hindu

For Nursery’s adult-directed learning, the children will be learning about 2-Dimensional shapes – circles, triangle, squares and rectangles. They will be thinking about their properties and identifying shapes in the EYFS environment.

Key Vocabulary:

  • 2D shapes
  • circle
  • square
  • triangle
  • rectangle
  • sides
  • face
  • vertices

sos winners

The Secrets of Success award this week was for Working Hard – the winning children have shown that they are willing to work hard and not give up. Well done to Harry, Esmae, Shernice and Roman.



Nursery News – Autumn 2, Week 1

It has been a great week in Nursery!

Children have been learning how to count and represent their ideas through mark-making during maths and have been thinking about maps during their project learning time.  Next week, the children will be learning about rhyming words during their adult-directed time using the story ‘Oi Frog’ by Kes Gray.

key information for next week

The ‘Favourite Five’ story next week will be ‘Our House’ by Micheal Rosen 

Key Vocabulary for the focus story, please share this with your child.

  • house
  • build
  • share
  • fair
  • imagination
  • create

Our upcoming focus songs will be related to Nativity songs in order to help us to prepare for our up and coming Nativity in December!

Key dates-

Monday 13th November- Odd socks day!

Monday 13th November-9.45-10.45 EYFS Open Day for prospective parents

Tuesday 14th November– Postponed Attingham Park Trip

Wednesday 15th November– Phonics and Maths Stay and Learn

Thursday 16th November– Phonics and Maths Stay and Learn

Friday 17th November – Children in Need.

Sos winners

This week the Secrets of Success this week was for ‘Don’t Give Up’ and the winners have demonstrated that they keep going even when they find things difficult. Well done to Layton, Hakeema, Ben and Arisyia!

Nursery Information Autumn 1 week 7

What a week in nursery! The children have continued to explore spirals in nature, reading a story called ‘Swirl by Swirl’ by Joyce Sidman and using different media to represent their ideas.

Next week, Nursery will be learning the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and thinking about the characters. They will be talking about their ideas and using mark-making and role play to demonstrate their understanding.

key information for next week

The ‘Favourite Five’ story next week will be ‘Peace at Last’ by Jill Murphy. 

Key Vocabulary for the focus story, please share this with your child.

  • late
  • snore
  • pretending
  • cuckoo clock
  • leaky
  • refrigerator
  • uncomfortable
  • alarm clock

The focus song this week is ‘If You’re Happy and You Know It’. 


Key dates

On Tuesday 24th and Wednesday 25th October we are holding parents consultations.

On Friday 27th October EYFS have their Autumn Stay & Learn session.

Sos winners

This week the Secrets of Success this week was for ‘Improve’ and the winners have demonstrated that they are determined to get better at their learning. Well done to Hilton and Hazel!