School Council Assembly w/c 15th January

This week, the School Council have delivered the attached assembly reminding all children of the rules now we are back in the hall for assembly & lunch – and the reasons why we have these rules.

School Council Assembly wc 15th Jan PDF for dojos

That being said, staff have been blown away with how well the children have coped with these changes – assemblies and dinner times are running very smoothly and successfully.


Dear Parents,

Finally, our Christmas break has arrived, and I’d like to wish you all the most relaxing and enjoyable festive holiday.

I also wanted to share some thoughts with you, that are worth noting at this time of year.

I know, as parents, you may feel pressure to create a ’perfect magical Christmas’. I am guessing you want to give your children the best presents and share the ‘magic’ of Santa. But I have a secret to share…Please remember, when the children come back to school in January, they tell us all about the Christmas holidays. They tell us about the days when you all stayed indoors and watched TV together. They tell us about the walks in the freezing cold, to collect a KFC, about seeing Nans and Grandads, having lie-ins and being able to snuggle together, in your bed. They talk about how you played cards for pennies, how they went swimming, saw friends and got to stay up really, really late on New Year’s Eve. They tell us about how you let them stay in their PJs on some days and how you went for a trip out on others. They sometimes talk about their gifts, but it is always clear to the staff and I… Christmas for our children, is all about you and your love and TIME and routines and FEELING SAFE. You are what matters to them; you are always their favourite thing.

This term has been a long one and the children and staff are tired. I am sure you will join me in thanking both, the whole Woodies’ team and the Friends of Woodlands for their amazing work this term. On behalf of the staff and I, I want to thank you for your continued support for us all here at Woodlands. Working together to get children here everyday, on time and supporting learning at home is vital – and very much appreciated.

Best wishes,

Mrs C

NEWSLETTER 22nd December 2023

Autumn 2 in Year 4!

What a busy half term it has been in year 4.


In Literacy, the children have explored two different texts both written by Michael Morpurgo. They have explored the vocabulary and language used, predicted what will happen next and used their inference skills to describe a character. The children, have then focused on co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions to extend their main clauses. Also they have used expanded noun phrases to add more detail into their writing.

In maths, the children have developed their formal written methods for addition and subtractions. They have also focused on their times table knowledge exploring factor pairs with arrays. The children have also collected and presented data in a tally chart and bar chart and have used these to interpret the information from the data.

In science, the children have investigated what makes the best material for a conductor by conducting their own fair test. They have then moved onto investigating different states of matter and their properties by making careful observations on how they behave.

In art, the children have been exploring “Power Prints” by investigating different ways to create light and tone using sketching pencils. They have then also design and created their own printing style and used these to create patterns from print.

In Geography, the children have explored the physical and human features of the countries of Europe and they have focused on Spain and Iceland. They have then compared these countries identifying their similarities and differences. The children, have the used a compass to find and locate north, south, east and west and used this to describe their location.

In Personal Development, the children have continued to look at their different relationships and what is a good friend. They have also then looked at their own health and well-being looking at what keeps us both physically and mentally healthy and what they can do to help themselves.

In our Design and Technology, the children have explored existing biscuits then followed and adapted a recipe ensuring they keep to hygiene rules. Following this, they have design and then made their own biscuits.

Finally in Religious Education, the children have learnt about the 5 Pillars of Islam and their significance to Muslims.


Good afternoon,
Please find attached the newsletter for this week. There have been lots of exciting things happening in school this week to find out about and Mrs Craven has included information about a competition in school running from now until Christmas! You will also find information about a free ‘Active Holiday Club’ running at the Park Lane Centre, over the Christmas break.
Next week, the school book fayre will be arriving and, on Thursday, we will be recognising ‘Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day’. Children can come to school in their festive jumpers/dresses/accessories etc. or wear any non- uniform of their choice, in support of the charity. We will be collecting £1 donations on the day.
It is also the Bedtime Stories event after school on Monday-which will help everyone to get into the festive spirit!
Have a lovely weekend! NEWSLETTER 1st DECEMBER 2023