Year 1 Homework

Year 1 Homework 2023

This is a reminder about homework in Year 1.

Homework will be handed out on a Friday and completed and handed back in by the following Friday.

The children’s homework will consist of daily reading of their phonics reading book and a set of spelling to match their reading ability. The children can also  accessed the same book on line using Oxford Owl.

Children are expected to have a minimum of one diary entry and a signature in their diary each week. However, to help your child develop a love of reading and make accelerated progress within reading, more would be fantastic ! For each signature in their diary, a reading raffle ticket will be awarded. At the end of each term, a name is picked to win a book token.

Numeracy homework will consist of one consolidation task to reflect the week’s learning in class. The children have also been provided a personal login  for Numbots.

Numbots’ is an online game/app that the children can play to help improve basic number facts. The really great thing about this game is that the game will not move a child on until it deems that they are fluent enough with the number facts covered so far. It is repetitive and prompts the children to know and recall their number facts speedily.

Useful links – login.



Year 1 Homework 2020 – 2021

The children in year 1 will be given a piece of maths homework every Friday alongside their spellings. The homework that they will be set will be linked to the learning they have completed in school that week.

We also ask that the children read regularly with you throughout the week and that there is at least 1 comment in their diary from a grown up at home.

Please contact us on Class Dojo’s if you require any additional information about the homework set or need a copy of it.