Spring homework

In Numeracy the children will be learning to recognise, find, name and write fractions 1/3, ¼, 2/4, 3/4 of a shape, set of objects or quantity.

Here are a few websites with activities to support the children’s learning at home.



During Literacy the children are learning about The Great Plague and The Great Fire of London.

Here are some websites to look at and research the topics.

Is there a fact which really surprises you?





Year 2 – What we are learning about this week. W/C 1st Feb

This week in literacy we turn our attention to study a different historical event – The Plague. We will spend the week researching and finding out as much as we can. This often reveals gruesome and horrid facts, the children love this aspect of the learning! In maths we continue to look at measure, this week measuring capacity. We will also end the week on Friday with a whole day focussing on our mental health and wellbeing. So very important at this present time. Please see class dojo for more detail.

Year 2 distance learning w/c 25th January

In year 2 this week we finish our work looking at The Great Fire of London. We will carefully examine the diary of Samuel Pepys. In maths we are looking at more measures, this week mass/weight. In Foundation subjects we are creating a piece of art work inspired by The Great Fire of London and we will also finish our RE work on the scriptures by creating cards and pictures for loved ones featuring words we want to say to them.

Please click on the links below for more details or by viewing Class Dojo

Mathematics Capacity

Literacy The Great Fire of London

RE The Scriptures

Take a look at some fabulous learning this week from our school and home learners!

This week, Theo has been applying the skills that he has learnt in mathematics to bake some delicious cupcakes at home with his Mum – yummy!


We have written a newspaper report about the Great Fire of London in Literacy. Lois has included a lot of historical facts and some wonderful descriptions.

Using his laptop, William created his report from home. It is great to hear that William has conducted his own research using Google. We love your fiery picture to illustrate the story too William!

Distance learning W/C 18th Jan

This week in literacy we continue to study the Great Fire of London and we will be gathering eye witness accounts of the events and turning them into a newspaper report.

In maths we will start a new topic of measuring. We begin this week by measuring length and height in both cm and m.

During foundation curriculum lessons we will create pictograms using the tally information we gathered on our minibeast hunt last week. We will also create more music and move on to look at the Bible in RE. It’s going to be another busy week! Please see dojo for more detailed information on all this learning.

Learning in Year 2 this week

Hi Everyone

Just to give you a brief outline of our learning for this week in Year 2

In literacy we are working towards a historical recount of the Great Fire of London

In maths we are learning the new operation of division.

In foundation curriculum we will be hunting for minibeasts in their microhabitat’s, creating body percussion in music and looking at the importance of the Qu’ran to Muslims.

Full details and all home learning tasks are set on class dojos.

Let’s Remember

Our Year 2 topic for the Autumn term is ‘Let’s Remember.’ Children will learn about how soldiers lost their lives in the wars and how we remember them now. We will be asking children to make poppies at home as their homework project to help make a Remembrance display in school. (We may ask for these poppies to be sent in as photos on dojo’s this year but we will still use them in school on display)

The Great Fire of London Art.


To support our learning of The Great Fire of London, we have been developing a range of art techniques by using colour, pattern and texture to express our thoughts and creativity. We achieved this by layering a range of coloured tissue paper to create the image of a burning inferno. We then uses lines and shape to create wooden houses in the style of 1666.