Year 3 Homework

This is a reminder about homework in Year 3.

We give homework out on a Friday and it is to be handed back in the following Friday.

The Literacy homework will be either spellings from our spelling unit or phonic lessons, SPAG or reading comprehension.

The Numeracy homework will be either times tables or consolidation from our learning in class.

Children bring home a reading diary and book each night. For each reading signature in their diary, a reading raffle ticket will be awarded. These will be checked on a Friday. At the end of each term, a name is picked out from each class to win a book token.

Homework in Y3

Homework will be sent out every Friday and due back in every Thursday morning. There will be one piece of Literacy (spelling or grammar based) and one piece of maths.

Alongside this, each term (September, January and April time) there will be a piece of project work set and will be due back in at the end of that half term (October, February and May)

Children will be expected to read often at home and have at least one comment in their diary each week.

Please support your child at home.

If you need additional homework sheets or need some advice please contact me via Dojo. The link is attached below.

I have also attached a list of spellings we will be learning in our lessons and will also be part of the homework!

Thank you for your continued support!

Spellings for Y3


Homework (Literacy and Maths in yellow book) is due in on a THURSDAY.

Reading diaries are checked on a Friday.

Please ensure children complete their homework and bring their homework book and diaries with them.

Roman homework & Trip

We have had some amazing Roman artefacts brought in for the homework project (see pictures). The children are all very excited for their trip to ‘The Dewa Roman Experience’ in Chester. Just a reminder that payment is due THIS friday (21st June)


Stone Age Project

WOW! We are so impressed by the effort the children (and parents!) have put into making their Stone Age projects. We have 2 beautiful displays in the classroom and everyone has commented on how amazing they are. Thank you so much for all your support.


Homework will be set on a FRIDAY and due back in on a THURSDAY.

It will consist of a piece of maths and literacy plus children are expected to read AT LEAST three times a week and have a comment in their diaries.


Homework in year 3 – Autumn 3

The children will have one piece of maths work and spellings to complete each week from this half term. They will also be expected to read at home and to have at least one comment from an adult in their reading diary each week.

Year 3 homework

Welcome to year 3!


Homework will be handed out every Monday consisting of one piece of maths work and one piece of literacy work. This will be expected to be completed and handed in by the Friday of every week.

Every term the children will also be given a project type homework linked to their topic work.


We also expect children to read at least three times per week at home and for an adult to sign their reading diary. This will be checked weekly and the children will be given raffle tickets for how many times they’ve read for the chance to win prizes at the end of every half term, so please help them!


Miss Evans and Miss Roberts