Homework Information

The homework expectations for year 6 are as follows:

  • Reading with an adult at home at least 2 times a week (Parents need to comment and sign the reading record). On the other days, children to read independently and comment in their reading diary.
  • Rapid recall/practise of times tables and other mathematical facts (This could involve: practising times tables, calculations, number facts, problem solving when shopping – e.g working out the total cost and change etc).
  • Further to this, there will be at least one piece of homework a week. This will be given out on a Friday and must be returned on the following Friday
  • Occasionally a homework project will be given and this will need to be completed over a specific number of weeks. When a project is given, there is an expectation that this will represent a few weeks of effort.
  • Spellings from each unit of the spelling scheme will be posted on the website.

Homework in Y6

Homework will be given out on a Friday and needs to be returned to school on a Thursday. If it is not returned, children will need to stay in at break.

Additionally, children are expected to have at least one written adult comment/signature per week in their reading diary. This will be checked on a Friday and children will, again, stay in at break if they have not got them. The more the better!

Year 6 Welcome and Homework

Welcome to our Year 6 page!

Although Year 6 is going to be hard work, we’re very excited about the learning we’re going to be participating in this year!

This term our topic is ‘Land of the Free’ where we are discovering all things American. As part of this topic, we will be learning about America, including: landmarks, states, Native Americans, extreme weather, significant events in American history and lots more. We have planned our learning together and have created key questions to explore.

In our Science topic, we will be learning about living things and their habitats during Autumn 1.

The homework expectations for year 6 are as follows:

  • Reading with an adult at home at least 2 times a week (Parents need to comment and sign the reading record). On the other days, children to read independently and comment in their reading diary.
  • Rapid recall/practise of times tables and other mathematical facts (This could involve: practising times tables, calculations, number facts, problem solving when shopping – e.g working out the total cost and change etc).
  • Further to this there will be at least one piece of homework a week. This will be given out on a Friday and must be returned on the following Thursday.
  • Occasionally a homework project will be given and this will need to be completed over a specific number of weeks. When a project is given, there is an expectation that this will represent a few weeks of effort.
  • Spellings from each unit of the spelling scheme will be posted on the website. These will be posted when the new unit starts.
  • Outdoor PE is on Tuesday and the children can come to school in their kit. Please ensure it is weather appropriate.

We look forward to keeping you updated with photos and our news!

parents meet and greet pdf for website


Easter Homework

Please help remind your children that they have to complete their Easter Homework ( 2 booklets) over the holidays and both must be returned by Thursday 2nd May. Furthermore, we are expecting 4 reading comments and signatures ( 2 per week as normal) by Friday 3rd May.

Thanks for your co-operation.

Y6 HOMEWORK PROJECT 16/11 – 13/12

Homework Project

This half-term homework project is your own choice. You need to think about something you are interested in eg. animals, football, The Romans, Music, Lego etc.

You will need to create something to share and discuss with the class. This might be something you have made with notes, it might be a computer PowerPoint presentation, it might be a scrap book etc. It is up to you. However, the homework needs to represent 4 weeks of work.

This will be due in on Thursday 13th December

Thank you

Miss Hailey and Miss Booth



Throughout the month of November, we are going to be participating in ‘Know-vember’ to improve our number fluency. This will include quick mental recall of times table facts, number bonds and calculations that are closely linked such as 3 x 6 and 30 x 60. A good knowledge and understanding of these is essential throughout the Numeracy curriculum hence why it is a specific focus of ours for this month and therefore also the children’s homework for this week.

times tables pdf for website


The homework this week is Numeracy. It will be given out tomorrow (Friday 19th October) and should be returned to school no later than Thursday 25th October.

This week the homework refers to the rules of divisibility. The children have looked at this across two lessons this week; there is a prompt to remind them at the top of their homework.

A copy of the homework can be found below:

rules of divisibility homework as pdf




Your homework this week is to create a poster to remind yourselves of the rules of BODMAS. It should be eye-catching and should include examples.

The best posters from each class will be copied for our working walls. If you need a piece of paper, just ask an adult!

Here is a reminder of BODMAS: