Year 6 – April

During April, Year 6 have studied different artists, their styles and the techniques they use in Art. They children have looked at the works of Lubaina Himid. Himid was a British Artist (born in Zanzibar) and she used her art to tell her stories about the identity and history of black people in Western Society. The children also looked at the works of Fiona Rae; the children used the artwork to inspire them to recreate the piece showing their thoughts and feelings through shapes, lines and colour choice.

In Personal Development, Year 6 have learnt about different aspects of a healthy lifestyle. This included diet, exercise, rest and relaxation and dental hygiene. The children reflected on their own lifestyles and set themselves targets for a healthy lifestyle. For example, try to relax before bed, rather than spend time on devices.

In numeracy, the children have recapped their knowledge of perimeter, before calculating area and volume of shapes. The children have also learnt how to convert between different units of measure. Year 6 have learnt how to multiply mixed number fractions, recapping their knowledge of converting mixed number fractions to improper fractions, and vice versa. The children have also enjoyed our new times table challenge, ‘The 99 Club’, where the children can go up a stage after getting each times table correct in their level.

March Update

During March, Year Six have had a variety of different learning opportunities.

In Literacy, the children read the story ‘Henry’s Freedom Box’ by Ellen Levine.  They discussed the story of Henry Brown’s life using Key Questions involving inference, deduction and fact retrieval. Furthermore, the children discussed the social, ethnic, cultural or religious diversity of the past and characteristic features of the past inc: beliefs, attitudes and experiences of men, women and children.  After reading the book, the children have written a biography of Henry’s life and a comparative report about Henry Brown and Ruby Bridges – a young girl who fought for equality within education.

A Year 6 science unit of learning has been ‘Inheritance and Evolution’. The children have explored variation and inheritance. They have also investigated adaption and how this may lead to evolution. The children did this through a beak investigation – helping them understand that living things have to adapt to survive in their environment and only the offspring that successfully adapts survives.



February Post

During February, the children took part in workshop sessions from PCSO Karl Jolly. The children learnt about drugs and alcohol, online safety and knife crime. The children looked at the side effects of drugs and alcohol and saw examples of how personal data can be shared online.

The children explored their topic unit of ‘Fight for Freedom’ in literacy, history and geography. The children looked at the journey of the Titanic and the passengers – who they were and why they were travelling. They compared this to the Pilgrims’ journey to America and their reasons for travel. They also compared a region in the UK to a region in the USA, specifically looking at physical and human geography features.

Year 6 completed newspaper reports about the sinking of the Titanic in literacy. The children learnt about features of a newspaper report, colons, semi-colons and dashes and formal and informal language. The children have also explored the story, ‘Kaspar, Prince of Cats’ by Michael Morpurgo, which has influence their own narratives about Kaspar – a prequel and sequel.

Year 6 – December

During December, the children created cushions in Design and Technology. They designed an applique design for the front of the cushion and created a pattern to use. Then, the children explored different stitches (backstitch, running stitch, whip stitch and blanket stitch) and had a practise at these. They decided which stitches they would use for the seams of the cushion and for the applique. After using our pattern to cut out the fabric, the children started to sew on each section of their design (applique). After sewing 3 seams, the children then inserted the wadding before sewing the final seam. The children are really proud of their cushions and showed great resilience!

The children also completed a non-chronological report about their own God, following their learning of Gods in Ancient Egypt. The children included the literary techniques they have been working on throughout year six so far, including bullet points and colons for lists.

The children have also enjoyed three Christmas jumper days, a Christmas dinner and a Christmas party!

We have had a busy November.

During November, we have supported Children in Need by dressing up in spots. Later in the afternoon, parents were invited to come to class to play some games, which had the theme of spots.  In Year 6, we played a game where you keep the balloon up in the air by hitting it but you could not move off your spot.  Furthermore, we played how many raisins can you pick up one at a time ( with tweezers ) and transfer from one bowl to another. We had some incredible achievements in both games with Parents and Children winning the games. Well done to the parents who participated – such good sports!!!!!

November was the end of our History theme of Epic Egyptians. We explored the events leading up to the end of the Egyptian Empire. We identified the causes that led to the invasion of the Ancient Egyptian Empire and the consequences of the invasion and its decline. Furthermore, we identified why Rome would want Ancient Egypt as part of its Empire. We have also studied Ancient Egyptian Gods and written a non-chronological report for Ra – the God of the Sun.

During November,  we have been swimming at the leisure centre. The children were fantastic – improving their swimming or learning to swim, gaining water confidence and learning all about Water Safety in a practical way.  The children received a variety of certificates. Well Done Year 6!

Year 6 – October

Year 6 have had a busy October!

Year 6 have spent their Personal Development sessions looking at relationships, respectful relationships and stereotypes. The children have shared their ideas about what respectful relationships look like and identified examples of respectful relationships. When learning about stereotypes, the children identified how stereotypes can be harmful and what can be done to break stereotypes.

The children started their science experiment about how mould grows. The children have predicted in which environment mould will grow the most (in a warm climate, damp climate etc). The children have recorded their results over 2 weeks and will summarise their findings in November.

In history, the children have continued to learn about the Ancient Egyptian Civilisation, including Howard Carter’s discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb. The children researched the lives of Howard Carter and Tutankhamun, linking their knowledge to the history and geography substantive concepts. This knowledge will then support their writing of Howard Carter’s diary over the next few weeks.

The children enjoyed ‘Foundation Week’ during the last week of half term, where they looked at photography in art, 3D design in computing and dilemmas in RE (with links to Buddhism). The children looked at macro photography in the style of Edward Weston and photomontage in the style of Hannah Hock before creating their own self portraits using the grid method.

Year 6 – September

The children have had a fantastic start to Year 6!

In literacy, the children’s learning has been centred around the music video ‘Titanium’. Through this, the children have explored their narrative writing, learning about expanded noun phrases, dialogue, tenses, fronted adverbials and relative clauses. The children have also recapped their knowledge of word class. They have created fantastic setting descriptions based on the video; some of these will be on display outside our classrooms.

In numeracy, the children have learnt about place value, including ordering and comparing numbers to 1,000,000. The children have also recapped on their learning of formal methods (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), including applying this knowledge to problem solving and reasoning. Finally, the children have learnt to do long division.

The children have enjoyed their introduction to History and Geography, where they have learnt about the Ancient Egyptians. The children have created a timeline of the civilisations and identified which substantive concepts they will be learning about. They have compared similarities and differences between the Ancient Egyptians and other ancient civilisations.


Year 6 – May

What a Month!!!

May has been another busy month in Year 6.  Staff were extremely proud of the children with their attitude towards the SAT examinations. They tried their hardest – and that is all anyone can ask!

After SATs, we introduced the children to our Year Six musical production, which is called Rock Bottom! The play synopsis is: The Cobblestones, just an ordinary Stone Age family of cave folk living on Stoney Street, Rock Bottom! But when cave boy inventor Bobby Cobblestone hatches his very first good idea, he’s whisked off to work for none other than the beautiful celebrity Lady Lava! Unfortunately, BC is soon up to his Neanderthal neck in trouble when he discovers his new boss hides a dark secret that will rock Rock Bottom to its foundations. With mysterious monsters terrorising the town and a volatile volcano ready to blow its top, can BC become a little boulder and hatch a plan to save his family, his friends and his very own precious Rock Bottom? Only time will tell…

The children were incredibly brave and auditioned for many roles. Everyone is involved and we are enjoying starting to rehearse and learn the songs. In fact, lots of children are giving up their time after school to come to drama club rehearsals.

To celebrate the Coronation, the children took part in an art project for Madeley Parish Council, where they sketched portraits of King Charles in different periods of his life.