Covid – 19 information

Dear Parents and Carers,

Unfortunately it is that time of year, when many people are likely to catch a cold, develop a cough or a high temperature. However, as you can imagine, as school leads, we need to be extremely vigilant and ensure that we follow Government Guidelines in response to children or staff displaying any of these symptoms, in light of the COVID Pandemic.

As such, we will need to contact any parent or carer of a child displaying symptoms such as, a temperature of 38 or more, a new, continuous cough or a change in or loss of taste or smell, to be collected. Their siblings will also need to be taken out of school, even if they are not symptomatic at this time. As before, we will advise parents/carers to arrange a COVID test for any child displaying symptoms.

A general reminder that a runny nose, a sore throat or headache are not considered to be symptoms of Coronavirus, so if well enough, children should be attending school.

If the test is negative children may come back to school as soon as a negative result is obtained.

If it is positive, we will be notified by Public Health, you will need to quarantine as a family for 14 days and the class bubble will need to close. We will also be taking advice at this point from Public Health and our Local Authority.

We are aware that this is potentially very disruptive and that the majority of cases will be a normal, seasonal virus. However we have a responsibility to our school community and must follow Government procedures to keep everyone safe and well.

Many thanks for your support and consideration throughout the months ahead.

Mrs Crilly