Dear Parents and Carers,
As you are all aware, although the country has been placed on temporary lockdown, schools will remain open to pupils. The staff and I are committed to ensuring that children are still able to access education and feel it is vital that children can still to go to school. I can assure you all, that we will continue to do our utmost to ensure that we do everything possible, to minimise the risk of contamination, on and around the school site.
This said, we cannot ignore the rising number of positive cases within our local area. As such, from Monday, staff on gate duty will be taking additional precautions to ensure the safety of everyone on school grounds. This will include wearing protective face masks and constantly reminding parents that are not in the same household, to socially distance and not walk together when dropping off and collecting children.
Our site is extremely busy, with over 300 people accessing the entrance within a half hour period. I must once again insist, that in order to reduce the number of people on site at any one time, only one adult collects and drops off children; additional adults and older siblings or friends, must wait away from school grounds.
In addition, although I cannot insist that all adults wear face coverings when dropping off and collecting children, I would now recommend this wherever possible, as a preventative measure, to help stop the spread of COVID 19 at a time when cases are again rapidly rising in our local community.
I thank you for your continued support and understanding, as we continue to deal with the implications of this pandemic and do our best to maintain a safe environment for our children and the wider school community.
Many thanks
Mrs Crilly