Your views are always important to us. Please follow the Ofsted Parent View link above to give your views of our school. As you are aware, we work hard to respond to your thoughts and ideas in order to ensure the very best experience for your child at Woodlands.
You said that you would like your child to have the opportunity to attend more school trips…
We have planned a yearly overview to ensure that all children have the opportunity to participate in curriculum visits and experiences, alongside year group residentials including: Arthog, London, Kingswood and Beaudesert.
You said that you would like the walking bus to resume as soon as possible…
After undertaking a new risk assessment, with the Local Authority, our walking buses will restart on November 1st 2021!
You said that you would like after school activity clubs, WASPs and breakfast club to return, when it was safe to do so…
In September 2021, we re-introduced activity clubs, such as: forest school, for all year groups, every day of the week. We have also increased our numbers for both WASP and breakfast club and are pleased to see that all clubs are accessed by many of our children and families.
You have said that home learning is stressful for both you and your child…
Our inclusion team, the SLT and our teaching staff have provided regular support, to help you adapt to learning at home and cope with the feelings of uncertainty and additional pressure that we are all feeling, both face to face and remotely (phone calls, emails, DOJO messages, TEAMS meetings and home visits).
You said that remote learning was difficult because of a lack of devices or internet access…
We loaned laptops to any family who needed one, provided support in accessing new routers and SIM cards to boost broadband allowance, provided resources and equipment for those children who didn’t have them and provided paper packs for those families with no internet.
You said you would like ‘live teaching’ to further engage your children at home…
We explained our reasons for not planning this into our remote offer but we have now included several daily video messages, pre-recorded models to support new learning, voice annotated PPTs and video calls to ‘stay in touch’ with the teachers and peers.
You said you liked the one-way entrance to school and the staggered start times…
We will be keeping this system to ensure a calm and safe arrival to school, for our school community.
You said it was nice to see staff greeting parents and children each morning…
We agree and will endeavour to ensure that there is a friendly face at the school gates each morning!
You said that school did not always share information effectively…
We looked at the ways that information is shared with parents and have now: improved the website so it is much more accessible; developed the use of Class DOJO as a 2 way communication system and a platform for our home learning; publish a weekly newsletter; provided opportunities for you to come into school and see what is happening (parent lunches, stay and learn sessions and year group assemblies).
Parent Questionnaire November 2021
Thank you to all parents who filled in their views, it really helps us to ensure that we are making Woodlands Primary the best school possible!!
We were overwhelmed by the generally positive comments and have reflected on all of the suggested improvements from parents (these can be seen on the document below).
As always, all of the staff here at Woodlands are always available- there is no need to wait until the next parent questionnaire to share your views!
Parent Questionnaire-January/February 2021.
Thank all of those parents that took the time to complete our questionnaire – the results of which are shown in the attached photos. A brief summary of data collated showed:
*The vast majority of parents felt systems are working well to support parents and children both at home and school.
*The school are doing a good job.
*Parents would like more live lessons included in the remote learning offer. As a result, we have now included ‘live’ story times and social catch up times and recorded lessons with face to face modelled lessons from classroom staff.