June 6, 2018 @ 1:10 pm – July 4, 2018 @ 3:10 pm


Would you like to take part in our FREE Gardening Club?

The benefits of gardening are seemingly endless, both mentally and physically. Not only can planting bulbs, digging trenches and pruning roses vastly improve your physical health, but it can also improve mental health too. There will be a free crèche each week for younger siblings giving you time to have one to one gardening time with your child. There will be lots of fun activities.  No previous experience or knowledge needed.

‘Let’s Grow Together’ Course is a 5 week course for grandparents, parents, carers and children.

The course starts: Wednesday 6th June 2018

2.10 pm – 4.10 pm

Children join the session for the last hour! 

For further information please contact Lynn Bailey, School Link Worker,  on 01952 386070. Limited Spaces.



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