Vision & Values

Woodlands Vision

We believe that children should develop respect for themselves, value the contributions of others and acquire the skills to succeed, in our ever changing society.   We understand children’s well-being is at the centre of everything that we do and is fundamental to achieving success.

Woodlands provides an environment in which everyone (within the school and wider community) has equal opportunity and are valued as individuals. We have the highest expectations and recognise and celebrate the pupils’ similarities and their diversity as individuals and as groups. We recognise they have an intrinsic right to be nurtured in such a way so they are able to reach their full potential and achieve the highest of standards.

We provide a secure and stimulating environment, that enables us to tailor learning, to provide children with opportunities to develop skills, critical thinking and explore concepts. This allows children to build their knowledge and understanding through learning that captures their interests and stimulates their imagination. Children that attend Woodlands extend their experience, knowledge, imagination and understanding so that they are able to realise their potential for learning and capacity for enjoyment, and achieve their full potential; gaining the best possible start to their educational life, leading to lifelong learning.

Woodlands Values

We know it is important that we have the highest academic aspirations for our children and that they learn, make excellent progress and achieve well. We also understand that children need much more than this to become responsible, kind, tolerant citizens, confident decision makers and creative thinkers.

At Woodlands we know our children learn best through practical hands on learning opportunities; which enable them to experience learning in a meaningful way, a way that reflects their interests and needs. We want our learners to be sensitive to the needs of others, to have a sense of fairness and justice and an ability to value the contribution of each individual. We endeavour to encourage in every child, attitudes of acceptance, co-operation, perseverance, independence, respect and responsibility. Each child that attends Woodlands is valued as an individual and we aim to encourage and foster their development intellectually, physically, spiritually, socially and emotionally within a caring atmosphere. We aim to develop lively and inquiring minds with the ability to question, to think and to apply themselves to tasks. We believe that this makes the school a caring community, with a high standard of behaviour in every area of school life and supports the development of a thoughtful, considerate attitude to others and a respect and tolerance of cultural diversity.


Our children understand our Vision, Values and Wellbeing  are promoted and developed through The Secrets of Success.

Vision and Values Child Speak website

Secrets of Success





British Values