
At Woodlands Primary School, we follow the Geography Curriculum that is specified in the National Curriculum 2014 and the Early Years and the Foundation Stage (EYFS) (September 2021). These frameworks set out the breadth and depth of study and the skills and attributes for learning that children need to acquire and experience.

Our Geography curriculum is underpinned by a broad range of stimulating topics designed to bring learning to life. It is designed to inspire pupils and create curiosity and fascination about the world, and its people, that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. During Geography, we strive to provide our children with the opportunities to become global citizens, deepening their interest and wonder in exploring the world and their own place in it. Through our curriculum, our children will develop a sense of their world at the local, national and global scales- understanding the interconnections between how people and the environment interact and an understanding of their responsibilities within their own society, whilst also having a coherent insight into sustainability of a dynamically changing world. Geography forms part of our creative curriculum and, as such, is taught along with other subjects on the same theme – which are clearly stated on the Curriculum Framework Overview. EYFS and Year 1 key skills are completed through Enquiry Based Learning directed by discussions with children to cover all other curriculum objectives fluidly throughout the year.

Our curriculum is carefully designed to ensure key knowledge and skills progress in a logical and sequenced way, thus enabling pupils to revisit previously taught content and to build upon it year on year. We use carefully structured progression documents to ensure that substantive and disciplinary knowledge and skills are clearly outlined and sequenced, thus enabling the children to know and remember more, as they move through school.

Please click the link below to see a copy of our Geography curriculum progression:

Geography Progression of Knowledge and Skills

The themes for each year group can be seen below:

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

EYFS Who am I?

(Geography and History)

Where am I?

(Geography and History)

Where do I belong in the World?

(Geography and History)

Year 1


Past and Present


Wild Weather


Seas and Oceans

Geography (some History)

Space Exploration


Fantastic Fieldwork


Year 2 Super Shropshire

Geography (with some History elements)


Black History


Great and Ghastly Events

History (with some Geography elements)

Australian Adventure

Geography (with some History elements)


Year 3 Stone and Iron Age

History (with some Geography elements)

 Land of Hope and Glory

Geography (with some History elements)


Remarkable Romans (Impact on Britain)

History (with some Geography elements)

Year 4 European Exploration

Geography (with some History elements)


Incredible Invaders (Anglo Saxons, Scots and Vikings)

History (with some Geography elements)

Woeful WW2

History and Geography

Year 5



Victorian Shropshire

History and Geography

Earth’s Extreme

Geography (with some History elements)


Memorable Mayans

History (with some Geography elements)

Glorious and Gruesome Greeks

History (with some Geography elements)

Year 6 Epic Egyptians

History (with some Geography elements)

Fight For Freedom

Geography and History

Remarkable Rivers

Geography (with some History elements)


Woodlands Geography Curriculum

Substantive Concepts

These substantive concepts are the subject matter of Geography and the substance about which students are learning.

  • Location
  • Place and Space
  • Physical World
  • Human Environment
  • Interdependence and Sustainability
  • Cultural Understanding
  • Scale

Below are examples of Geography learning at Woodlands

large scale map drawingMap work