Jigsaw remote learning week beginning 01.02.2021

This week  we will be learning about:

Guided reading – We will be reading ‘How the bear lost his tail’ by Susan Price and Sara Ogilvie. Read the story that we have attached to class dojo’s and then complete the work that has been set on the power point. This will include; answering questions about the story, completing a book review, vocabulary work and creating some art work based on the story and characters.

Phonics – We are asking children to practise the relevant speed sound for their phonics groups. They are then to read their phonics storybook before completing  proofreading, answering questions about the text, editing a sentence and producing a piece of writing linked to their text. Children are to see their individual phonics class dojo page for their learning for that week.

Speed sound lessons Mrs Fairclough w.b. 01.02.21

Speed sound lessons Mrs Housley and Mrs Barnett w.b. 01.02.21

Maths: In maths we will be focussing on subtraction this week – starting with informal methods and developing and building our confidence to use more formal methods, such as column subtraction. We will not be regrouping this week, as we will ensure that we confident with the basic methods first.

Nurture: We are will be continuing to discuss and share our thinking about where we live and the world we live in. We have also started to consider how we can use a variety of resources to print patterns. We will continuing this next week – if you have resources at home that can make a pattern with when you add colour to them and then press them onto paper you could try this.

We will be posting daily learning (PowerPoints, videos, website links)  on Class Dojos so make sure you visit this site regularly to check for new learning and challenges.

Remember to share any of your home learning with us through class dojo messages or portfolios.

ClassDojo for Teachers

We look forward to seeing all your great learning, don’t hesitate to get in touch with any of the Jigsaw staff if you need any additional support during this time.

Take care,

Mrs Housley