November in Jigsaw


In the Jigsaw provision groups this month we have been considering the theme of Anti-Bullying week, which is One Kind Word. The morning Jigsaw children used the story Be Kind as the focussed guided reading book. The children considered and the reflected on what being kind means to them. The children were very insightful, honest and reflective when discussing this topic. The children worked very carefully to create ‘hands of kindness’ offering ideas and suggestions on what you can do to be kind to each other.

The Nurture group children based their learning provocations on the Be Kind text and also the book called Stick and Stone, which focusses on what makes someone a good friend. The children considered what makes them a good friend and the characteristics that they look for in a friend.

The Nurture group children also created calm jars as a way of focussing their strong emotions and supporting them to be calm. The children understood that when they are calm they can be kinder to themselves and to the other people around them. Below are some images of the Nurture Group working on the theme of Anti-bullying week.

The children are making their calm jars.

The children creating characters from the story Stick and Stone.