November in Year 5

It’s been another busy month in Year 5!


In literacy this month, the children have been investigating what life was like for a working Victorian child where they produced a non-chronological report, detailing the jobs they may have done. In addition, the children were introduced to our quality text ‘Street Child’ by Berlie Doherty with links to our Victorian Shropshire theme and those of working Victorian children. Year 5 have explored some of the literary techniques such as expanded noun phrases to describe characters and settings, as well as similes and personification figurative language to provide imagery and engage the reader.

In Science, the children began their new topic of Materials where they compared and grouped materials based on their properties, whilst exploring the school grounds to investigate what materials were present and why that material had been specifically chosen to carry out its job.

In maths the children have doing lots of work on decimals, specifically adding and subtracting decimal numbers using mental strategies as well as standard written methods. Towards the end of the month, the children began some fraction work by representing fractions using practical resources.