Nursery Autumn 1 Curriculum Overview and Well Done!

Hello parents and carers!

We would like to congratulate the children on a fantastic first full week of nursery. They are becoming more independent every day and building great friendships!

Each Friday we will update you on the focus text, song, and vocabulary for the following week. This will allow you to further support your child to learn new vocabulary and understand a wide range of language. These concepts will be explicitly taught to your child within adult-directed sessions. The children will then have the opportunities to practice, refine and explore these concepts and skills during project learning sessions. This information will also be displayed on the Parents’ Information board within the cloakroom.

Focus text – ‘The Colour Monster’ by Anna Llenas

The Color Monster: A Story about Emotions : Llenas, Anna: Books

Focus song – ‘There’s a Worm at the Bottom of the Garden.’

Focus vocabulary linked to text– Sad, happy, angry, worried, loved, feelings

Focus vocabulary linked to adult-directed – throw, catch, climb, jump, step, walk, balance, fast, slow

Please find a link to our focus story to share with your child below…


This week we began our Friday celebration assemblies! We congratulated the children on all their hard work. Each week we will choose 2 children from each class to receive The Secrets of Success certificate – this week our focus has been ‘Work Hard’. It was so tricky to choose only 2 as all the children have impressed us! Below is a link to the page on our school website where The Secrets of Success are further explained.

Photos of all The Secrets of Success winners are displayed on our SOS board located within the Block Area.


Here is our half termly curriculum overview. Each half term we will inform you of the key knowledge and skills we will be teaching the children. You will also see the children’s current interests that are being explored within each project learning area.

Summer overview Nursery Autumn 1

As always, please let us know if you have any questions.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Smallwood, Miss Whale and the EYFS team.