Nursery Information Spring 1 week 5

Hi everyone,

It’s been another week filled with learning in nursery!

During project time, the children have been exploring our natural environment and thinking about changes as Spring approaches. In their adult-led learning, nursery have been thinking about comparison and using the language ‘same’, ‘lots of’, ‘more than’ and ‘fewer than’.

Here is some key information to support your child’s learning next week.

Our focus story will be ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ by Michael Rosen and illustrated by Helen Oxbury


 Our focus song will be ‘Five Little Speckled Frogs’.



Story – scared, over, under, through, deep, dark

Literacy – worries, worrysaurus, pointy, trail, plotted/sketched, delicious, overthink, snuffly, scared, storm, chatter, shelter, freed

Please share the song and story, along with key vocabulary to introduce your child to their learning.


Well done to the SOS winners this week – Emilia, George, Lottie-Rose and Tayah! The focus was ‘Trying New Things’, these children have demonstrated that they are not afraid of trying something new and haven’t given up! Well done.