Today parents/carers, children and staff met to welcome the new Woodlands Safeguarding and Junior Road Safety Officers. This was a great opportunity to congratulate the children on their new role, and to also share what plans we have for the upcoming academic year.
Thank you to all the parents/carers that joined us this morning!
Here are a few pictures…
Mrs Crilly, Deputy Head, commented
“Our assembly this week gave me an opportunity to introduce our recently appointed Safeguarding and Junior Road Safety Officers. These children have a very important job, helping school staff to teach children how to keep themselves and others safe, both in school, at home and when they are around in the community.
These children have the opportunity to discuss lots of different issues, current affairs and topics. Their work includes ensuring children are taught about road safety, staying safe online, about bullying: including cyber bullying and homophobic bullying, as well as recognising different types of abuse.
The children have been chosen because they are good role models to their friends, they have shown they are kind and caring and have demonstrated they can be sensible and thoughtful when dealing with difficult topics and subjects”.