During June, the whole school have been taking part in the Woodland’s Pupil Voice Elections. This has been to re -elect new School Councillors, Eco Councillors and Junior Road Safety officers.
Our current Pupil Voice have been in their role for the last 2 years and have worked very hard to help improve both our school and local community. They have worked closely with the community, going into a local hospitals, care homes, Telford Crisis Support. They have also been involved with local litter picking, achieving gold award for Road Safety plus sharing views about school dinners, playground activities and lots, lots more.
Each pupil had the opportunity to complete and present their Manifesto to the class and canvass for votes. Children voted confidentially in their class on the nomination form, then the top 4 girls and 4 boys were then selected for the formal Election Day which was held in our polling station at Woodland’s.
We held an Election Results Assembly where parents/carers, staff, children and governors joined us to celebrate the newly elected pupil voice representatives.
Here are some photos..