Reception learning WK – 22.2.21

Welcome back ! We hope you had a fabulous half term  having had lots of fun  with your families and are now ready for another brilliant week of learning at home and in school.

This week the children in reception will be continuing with their phonics learning as in previous weeks.  The children will find their specific phonics learning on their groups Class Dojo pages daily.

This week’s maths focus will be subtraction, counting back to find a new total.

The children will be starting a new project this week and learning in the Block Area. Please use the clips as a provocation as we explore our capital city and the buildings with this.  This learning will be based around the question- ‘Tell me about the buildings you can see?’

Daily planning for all areas will be posted throughout the school day on our Class dojo pages.


Please click on the link below to upload the timetable in a PDF format.

Website timetable 22.2.21