Rich and Poor in Ancient Egypt.

This half term, we have been exploring Rich and Poor with Ancient Egypt. We have learnt about the daily life of a nobleman and compared that to a farmer – what a difference!!!! We know who we would have rather been!!

Reading Shirley Climo’s Ancient Cinderella has given us a further comparison – with a twist on the original fairy tale. Using this idea, we have written our own version of Fairy Tales within an Egyptian setting. Some of our stories are fantastic and a really interesting read and the children should be very proud of themselves.

We are looking forward to the Easter Holiday – completing our Homework and having a good rest ready for our SATs, which start on Monday 13th May.

Monday 13th = SPAG

Tuesday 14th = Reading

Wednesday 15th = Maths paper 1 (arithmetic) and paper 2 ( reasoning)

Thursday 16th = Maths paper 3 ( reasoning)