September in Year 5!

What a great start to the new school year!

During History this month, the children initially have shared what they know and remember from their history lessons in previous Year groups- specifically using the substantive concepts to discuss their learning. They used this knowledge to get an idea of the perspective   of when these historical periods / events happened in comparison to the present day and their new learning about the Victorian era.

After exploring and securing their knowledge of chronology of British History and Monarchs, the children have been learning about Queen Victoria and Victorian Shropshire. They have investigated the chronology of the era, found out more about the British monarch and used this historical knowledge in their Literacy lessons to explore the structure and grammatical features of a biography, before writing their own biography on Queen Victoria.

In science, we have started exploring Materials and their properties. The children have planned an investigation to find out the most effective material for a lunch box – using their knowledge of thermal insulators and conductors. We will let you know what we find out!!!!

During this month, we have been very fortunate to have a Cricket coach come into school to teach the children skills on how to play cricket – so far we have learnt and practised skills for catching and bowling.