Welcome to our first monthly update.
This month in Year 2 we have settled into our new routines and enjoyed the new challenges Year 2 brings.
In Literacy we have been reading a text called the Ironbridge Ogre, the children have focused on SPAG work (conjunctions and expanded nouns) and written a retell of the story.
In Maths we’ve been sequencing and ordering numbers which is part of our Place value understanding.
Have a look at these links for more practise at home.
During our Science lessons we have been exploring Animals and their Habitats. We began with deciding and investigating what is Living, dead and never been alive, to then looking at our local areas habitats moving on to the different world habitats.
Here are some photos our our Habitat hunt.
At the end of the day we like to share a different book each week. This is called our Favourite 5. We have focused on Julia Donaldson excellent stories.
For you to share at home here are the links of the books we have read in class so far.