Covid measure updates 20th September

Covid image

Dear Parents and Carers,

I’m sure by now, you are all aware that we have had a number of COVID-19 cases within the school recently, which has triggered the need for what is known as ‘stepped-up measures’ to be implemented temporarily, throughout school, in order to try to control transmission across the all three key stages. This decision has been taken in conjunction with and following advice from the Health Protection Hub and follows the advice within the Government’s Contingency Framework for schools.

These measures are additional to the fundamental controls we already have in place covering issues such as ventilation, cleaning and handwashing. The additional control measures have been designed to have minimal impact on your child’s education, and are as follows:

*Children once again eating in their classrooms, not mixing in the hall for lunch.
*Whole school assemblies reverting back to TEAMS, rather than face to face in the hall.
*Children playing in separate areas of the school grounds, in their year groups – no mixing of children across year groups (at break or lunch times).
*Staff will resume wearing face coverings in communal areas and during meet and greet and collection times. It would be appreciated if parents did the same when in close contact with staff e.g. talking to your child’s teacher at the end of the day.
*All clubs and wrap around care (Breakfast Clubs and WASP) WILL REMAIN OPEN FOR NOW as the numbers of pupils are small and detailed registers are kept. However, this will be reviewed within the new few weeks. If numbers of positive cases continue to rise, more preventative measures may need to be implemented.

We will continue to liaise with the Health Protection Hub and will advise you again when these controls are lifted.

As always, please ensure you are vigilant for symptoms and if your child does display symptoms, please keep them off school and book them a COVID test using this link: Get a free PCR test to check if you have coronavirus (COVID-19) – GOV.UK (

Many thanks for your continued support in helping us to do everything we can to reduce the numbers of children and staff contracting Covid.

Mrs C

Whole School Reopening 8.3.21

Dear Parents and Carers,
As you will all have undoubtably heard (and have been eagerly awaiting) the Government have announced that schools will open to all pupils again, from March 8th 2021. The staff team and I are all really excited about this announcement and are very much looking forward to welcoming all of our children back to school…our school building just does not feel the same without everyone here!
Just a few reminders for you to consider before the children come back:
All COVID Safety measures will remain the same, (one way system, 2m social distancing, wearing of face masks etc) at both the start and the end of the day and whilst the children are inside (and outside) the building. Please see our risk assessment for full details.
Chn will be encouraged to follow the ‘hands, face, space’ guidance as before and will continue to sit as they were before Christmas, side by side, each having their own equipment and materials.
Chn will be required to wear full school uniform unless it is a PE day. Please can you ensure that on those days, the children are also wearing the correct PE uniform – thank you.
I would ask you to also ensure that you keep in close contact with school and let your child’s teachers know if you or your children do develop symptoms.

Bubble Closure 29.01.21

Dear Parents and Carers,

Today I have been informed of a positive case of COVID-19 and have had to close a year 3 class. As a precaution, the year 1 bubble is also closed as a sibling of the positive case, is awaiting a test result. Year 1 parents will be informed during the weekend about the result. If we are lucky and this is negative, the children in year 1, who are currently attending school, can return on Monday.

I have liaised closely with the Telford and Wrekin Health Protection Hub and the Local Authority. I appreciate that this may be concerning for you, but I would like to reassure you that the school risk assessments are tight, all health and safety measures have been very strictly followed, and no other class bubbles have been affected currently.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards

Yvonne Crilly

Message from Mrs Crilly Key worker and Vulnerable places 18.1.21

Dear Parents,

As you are well aware, all schools in England are currently closed for the majority of children until 22nd February 2021, with remote education being provided because the government is taking every possible measure to reduce cases in the community and protect the NHS.

Woodlands Primary school and Nursery offer school places for vulnerable children and children of critical workers in the front line of the country’s fight against Covid-19, who have no other available childcare options. It is important to stress that the government’s key message is: families should keep children at home if at all possible.

In line with revised government advice and to protect the safety of the children and school staff, parents, should only consider sending their child to school if they absolutely need to attend a workplace and should only apply to send their child to the critical worker places if their work is critical to the Covid-19 response and they have no other childcare option. The longer people refrain from social distancing the longer this crisis will continue.

As a school, we have taken every precaution to ensure children’s safety and welfare whilst attending school. However, by the very nature of being in school with young children, it is not always possible to enforce social distancing children are safer at home with their families.
As school leaders we will do everything we can to support critical workers, but we also need to take into account, the health and safety measures outlined in the school’s risk assessment to protect staff and pupils and reduce further transmission.

To ensure fairness, we may ask parents to demonstrate that they are critical workers by producing documentation such as a staff identity badge, a salary slip and/or a letter from their employer stating that their role is critical to the COVID response.

We realise that keeping children at home is not an easy option and very much appreciate the challenges associated with remote learning. We are doing our utmost to ensure every child has access to good quality learning whether they are at home or here in school and are available to offer support to parents that may be struggling with internet access, lack of devices or understanding work sent out, to ensure that children continue to make progress.

If you are unclear about whether your child can access a school place, or whether you are a Critical Worker, please contact me and I will be happy to discuss this with you.
Many thanks.
Yvonne Crilly

Important Update

Hi all,
I am sure many of you will have all seen the news regarding school places for critical workers and vulnerable children. This has recently changed and I have tried to summarise where we are now, following guidance from the Local Authority and the Government this morning, and will keep you informed of any further changes/updates.

Critical Worker – Place Allocation
The terminology has changed from ‘keyworker’ to ‘critical’ and the list of those included in the criteria that are able to access here: Some parents working in these sectors may be able to ensure their child is kept at home. Every child who can be safely cared for at home should be.

In addition to this, new guidance from the Government and the Local Authority, now states that children are entitled to a place at school if the family have difficulty engaging in remote/home learning because you do not have internet access or if there are not enough devices for large families-under the category of a ‘vulnerable learner’. It is important to stress that children cannot be offered a place because remote learning is tricky to manage at home. Everyone in school sympathises with you and appreciate how frustrating and challenging this situation is-it is not what any of us would want for the children in our care.

The Government and local authority advice is that, if children can stay safely at home, they should, to limit the chance of the virus spreading. That is why the Government has asked parents to keep their children at home, wherever possible, and asked schools to remain open only for those children who absolutely, need to attend.

The fewer children making the journey to school, and the fewer children in educational
settings, the lower the risk, that the virus can spread and infect vulnerable individuals in wider society. We are therefore providing care for a limited number of children – children who are vulnerable and children whose parents are critical to the Covid-19 response and cannot be safely cared for at home.

We are still receiving a high number of critical worker applications so would ask you to check
the guidance carefully before applying. If you have already been allocated a place and after
reading this letter feel that you no longer need your critical worker place, please contact
myself, Mrs Duncombe or Mrs Chaplin. I appreciate that this is very difficult but know that this situation cannot last forever. Please continue to bear with us, we are doing our best to ensure we meet the needs of everyone within the ever-changing guidelines and advice that we are being given.

Mrs C

Important update!!!

Dear Parents and Carers,

As you will be aware from the recent news updates, teaching unions have advised their members to consider if they feel safe working in a school environment at this time. It is clear,that the new variant of Covid-19 is virulent, and the rates of infection are rising far more rapidly than the previous strain. As a school we are thinking very carefully about the safety of all adults and children in classes of up to 30 pupils. I am alsoaware as parents and carers, a number of you, are also considering the safety of your families.

The situation remains very uncertain and unions and government are still under negotiations on the national picture for safe school opening. Therefore, the Chair of Governors and I, have met today and in response to this ongoingsituation, have made the decision to close school to all pupils tomorrow, Monday January 4th  and open only to vulnerable pupils and those of key workers on Tuesday. I realise that this is in complete contrast to my pervious notification and am aware of the potential disruption that this may cause. However, this decision will enable us to interpret advice from the unions and the government regarding the safety of the school environment. It will also allow us time to assess, anyscientific advice produced on safety measures, required to make schools more “Covid secure”; update our risk assessments where appropriate and take any necessary further safety measures required, allowing us to plan what will happen next in this everchanging scenario. A judicial decision is due to be made by 4pm on Monday 4th January, so we should know more tomorrow evening. As a cluster of schoolsin South Telford, we are working closely together to bring you information and to support you in keeping all of our families safe at this uncertain time.

I will be touch with you all tomorrow, with further updates.

Thank you for your continued support.

Yvonne Crilly

Urgent information regarding Year 1 bubble closure 22.11.20

November 22nd 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

Unfortunately, I have only today been informed, of a positive case of Covid-19 in our year 1 bubble and am therefore having to close both year 1 classes. This means that Mrs Braim’s Class and Mrs Paterson’s class are both affected. I have liaised closely with the Telford and Wrekin Health Protection Hub; the bubble has been closed down very quickly and none of the children or staff that have been in contact will be in school tomorrow.

The individual that has contracted Covid-19 began showing symptoms on Thursday 12th November and has not been back into school since then. Therefore, all children and staff from year 1 need to isolate until Wednesday 25th November. School will re-open for year 1 and both classes are expected back into school, on Thursday 26th November.

I appreciate that this may be concerning for you, but I would like to remind and reassure you that the school risk assessments are tight, all health and safety measures have been very strictly followed, and no other class bubbles have been affected currently.

If you will have trouble getting other children to school, as you will need to stay home to look after a child isolating, please let the child’s class teacher know. There will be no attendance penalties for those families in this situation.

Thank you for your continued support.
Kind regards

Yvonne Crilly

Urgent information regarding Foundation Stage bubble closure 15.11.20

November 15th 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

Today I have been informed of two positive cases of Covid 19 and have had to close our Early Years

Foundation Stage Bubble, this includes both reception classes and morning, and afternoon nursery classes.

I have liaised closely with the Telford and Wrekin Health Protection Hub and the bubble has been closed down very quickly and none of the children or staff that have been in contact will be in school tomorrow.

I appreciate that this may be concerning for you, but I would like to reassure you that the school risk assessments are tight, all health and safety measures have been very strictly followed, and no other class bubbles have been affected currently.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards

Yvonne Crilly


In response to the queries we have had following my previous notification, for what a Bubble Closure means for the children, please see below:

*If your child’s class has been told their bubble has closed (therefore both rec classes and both nursery sessions), they will need to stay at home and isolate for 14 days. This means not playing with other children, not accessing childcare, or meeting with families or friends out of your household. Siblings and you yourselves, will not need to isolate, unless your child becomes ill with COVID 19 symptoms and subsequently tests positive for Coronavirus.

*If your child is not in any of these classes they will not need to isolate unless they or anyone else in your household is showing symptoms.

*Currently this does not affect any other classes yrs 1-6 remain open.

I apologise that this will cause disruption for many of our families, and can appreciate the inconvenience caused by the impact of this pandemic. However, we must all make sure we do everything we possibly can to minimise the risk to others.

Thank you.

Help us protect our community

Message from Mrs Crilly
As you are all aware, schools all over the borough are working extremely hard to ensure that pupils attending schools in Telford and Wrekin, continue to stay safe during this pandemic. We are doing our utmost to ensure that we can reduce the risk of transmission in and around school during this time. We are grateful that families are informing us, when children have inevitably been in close contact with others who have received a positive test, or are showing symptoms of Coronavirus.

If you are asked to self-isolate, it is important that you follow the NHS/Government advice, which is there to help keep you, your loved ones, and your community safe. Unfortunately, it has come to my attention that a number of families that should be isolating are not following the isolation guidelines. In practical terms, if you are requested to isolate, this means that you must:
• stay at home
• not go to work, school or public areas
• not use public transport like buses, trains, tubes or taxis
• avoid having visitors to your home or visiting others

Self-isolation is about protecting others and slowing down the spread of COVID-19. It is very important that anyone who has the virus, or might have been exposed to it, limits the number of people they come into contact with for 14 days. This is the most effective way of preventing the coronavirus from spreading.

I am saddened that the staff and I feel we need to remind our community about these guidelines again, as I am fully aware that the large majority of us are following the rules and helping to prevent transmission. However, we have had, a number of reports of children and members of their family that should be isolating, playing out in the community with others, visiting friends’ homes and local supermarkets. We have also had secondary pupils that we know should be in isolation due to bubble closures, attempt to gain access to our school site.

I am therefore asking you all once again, to help us to help you, by doing your best to follow the guidance and help to prevent any outbreaks (a sudden rise in the number of positive cases) of COVID 19, here at Woodlands.
Many thanks
Mrs Crilly

Covid 19 update – Message from Mrs Crilly 1/11/20

Dear Parents and Carers,

As you are all aware, although the country has been placed on temporary lockdown, schools will remain open to pupils. The staff and I are committed to ensuring that children are still able to access education and feel it is vital that children can still to go to school. I can assure you all, that we will continue to do our utmost to ensure that we do everything possible, to minimise the risk of contamination, on and around the school site.

This said, we cannot ignore the rising number of positive cases within our local area. As such, from Monday, staff on gate duty will be taking additional precautions to ensure the safety of everyone on school grounds. This will include wearing protective face masks and constantly reminding parents that are not in the same household, to socially distance and not walk together when dropping off and collecting children.

Our site is extremely busy, with over 300 people accessing the entrance within a half hour period. I must once again insist, that in order to reduce the number of people on site at any one time, only one adult collects and drops off children; additional adults and older siblings or friends, must wait away from school grounds.

In addition, although I cannot insist that all adults wear face coverings when dropping off and collecting children, I would now recommend this wherever possible, as a preventative measure, to help stop the spread of COVID 19 at a time when cases are again rapidly rising in our local community.

I thank you for your continued support and understanding, as we continue to deal with the implications of this pandemic and do our best to maintain a safe environment for our children and the wider school community.

Many thanks
Mrs Crilly