Dear Parents and Carers
Without telling the school, Telford and Wrekin Council and the NuPlace management (who manage the rental houses), have decided to fence off and block access to Woodland Walk because they say children and parents are causing a nuisance as they walk to and from school. This means you will not be able to walk from Park Lane through the new estate to the pedestrian crossing on Ironbridge Road to access school.
You will then have to walk around the long way up Mound Way and along Ironbridge Road. As a school were not consulted about this and found out by accident. I am strongly opposed to the council blocking access to this path and have protested very strongly, but I am not able to stop it happening. I feel this is putting our children at risk because of the busy road they will then have to walk along (Ironbridge Road). If you use this path and feel as strongly as we do about the council blocking this path please speak up and voice your concerns with the following:
Contact your local Telford and Wrekin Councillors for Woodside
Cllr Kevin Guy 07837113606 – Email:
Cllr Rea Evans 07837116377 – Email:
Cllr for Education and Skills – Cllr Shirley Reynolds 07837122850
NuPlace the rental Management Company for Woodland Way 01952 384222
If you feel as angry as we do about the path being blocked off and putting children’s safety at risk by stopping you accessing the safest route to school and home please speak up by contacting your local councillors and NuPlace. Please make your voice heard if you don’t the fences will go up!