Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope that you have all had an enjoyable summer break. The staff and I are really looking forward to welcoming you all back to school next week and have made sure school is as safe and welcoming as it can be, whilst following all Government Guidelines, in order for your return. I know that for so many of you, it’s been a long time coming.
As such, I am just sending a quick reminder of the important information you will need to know as we return for the autumn term.
• School starts for all children in Year 1-6 on Thursday 3rd September.
• Due to the success of the one way system that parents and children have been using for collecting and dropping off children before the summer holiday, this will remain in place. The school can be accessed from either the main entrance or the side gate (on Glendinning way), arrows will then direct you up the path parallel to the field, around the playground, and back down the main path. The children will be able to store their bikes in the bike shed.
• In order to reduce the volume of children and parents at the start end of each day, we will be continuing to use staggered timings, please do your best to adhere to these. If you have more than one child in school, you should aim to arrive at the earliest time.
Before school:
8:30-EYFs, Y1,
8:40-Y5, Y6
8:50- Y2, Y3, 4
(PM nursery-12:00-3:00)
3:00- EYFs, Y1,
3:10- Y5, Y6
3:20- Y2, Y3, 4
• All children will need to be in school before 9am to ensure that daily registers are accurate.
• In September, full school uniform must be worn please, children will be allowed to bring the items that they need for the school day, in their bag (reading books, homework diary, lunch, a drink etc.).
• The school canteen will be serving food, provided by our new LA provider, Telford and Wrekin, during the week. The cost for lunches is £2.35, for those children that wish to order. A sandwich, wrap or baguette will be available to order each day, plus, fruit, yoghurt and a snack. This will be done in the usual way (parents pay for lunches via Parent Pay, the children choose their lunch when they arrive at school). On Fridays a hot meal, such as fish and chips will be available. Children who receive free school meals or universal free school meals (all children in EYFS, year 1 and Year 2) will be entitled to a lunch free of charge. If you now feel that you qualify for free school meals, please make sure you request a form from the school office.
• The children will continue to eat in their classrooms, as we continue to avoid using the hall where possible.
• Your child will be able to bring a break time snack, following our healthy eating policy, should you wish them to. For example: fruit or a cereal bar.
• When in school, the children will remain in their ‘class bubble’ at all times throughout the school day. The children will be able to move freely within these class bubbles, they are not expected to strictly follow social distancing rules when in their class bubbles. At all other times of the day, social distancing rules will ensure that the children do not mix with children from other bubbles, in order to control any possible spread of infection. The children will continue to follow additional hygiene measures, such as additional handwashing, and increased cleaning routines are established, to ensure that the environment follows all regulations as directed by the government.
• During playtimes and lunchtimes, the children can freely play with all of the other children in their class, using an allocated area of the school field or playground.
• The school will follow all guidelines regarding suspected cases: if a child presents with any of the recognised symptoms, they will be sent home and recommended to have a test. If a child receives a negative result, they will be allowed back into school, when well. If a child receives a positive result, then the children and staff in the ‘class bubble’ will need to self-isolate for 14 days. If a class bubble is asked to self-isolate, the class teachers will resume ‘home school learning packs’ as used during the partial closure of school, in order for home learning to continue.
• Full details of all the precautions taken by school to ensure your child’s safety, in line with government guidance, can be found in the school risk assessment- you can request a copy of this should you need to.
• Breakfast club will be available, using the current booking system. The children will use their classroom bases for breakfast club spaces, to avoid mixing class bubbles. Cereal, a yoghurt and a pastry will be provided for those children in breakfast club.
• Initially, school will be unable to provide a walking bus facility.
• On the days the children have PE, they will need to arrive at school in their PE kit, including school trainers. Class teachers will let you know what day your child will be having PE next week.
• After school provision will resume as soon as possible in the Autumn term.
I am so excited to see your smiling faces next week and cannot wait to greet you all as your new Headteacher at Woodlands. 😊