This week we will be learning about:
Guided Reading: We are reading ‘Screaming Demons’ – a fiction text (story) based on WW2. The learning will be comprehension questions, dictionary work, thesaurus work and word class work.
Literacy: This week we will be continuing our exploration of the Titanic considering reasons for emigrating to the USA, theories as to who was to blame, and then beginning to write a non-chronological report. Wednesday will be a specific SPAG lesson focussed on subordinating clauses with the intention of using them in our reports.
Maths: We will be converting miles to km and vice versa; considering the parts of a circle and solving problems involving these; completing an arithmetic and identifying, or calculating, mode, median, range and mean.
In the afternoons, we are: using and considering the reliability of a range of search engines; exploring exercise & diet as part of a healthy lifestyle and considering months of the year in Spanish. In addition to this, we have PE on Tuesday as usual and our class catch up call/Golden Time on Friday.
Remember the learning is on dojo via videos, PowerPoints, pdfs etc. We have included some of the key teaching models & images on a PDF below.
Have a great week!
models and images for website wc 22.2