Take a look at some of the fantastic work our home learners did last week.
Here is the focus of this weeks learning
Guided reading – Children are to log on to Oxford Owl to access a selection of Read Write Inc book bag books. Please click on the link below and ask your child’s class teacher for their log in details if needed via Class dojos
Phonics –
Mrs Hevingham’s group will be continuing to learn their set 1 sounds and practising how to blend and spell using their Fred fingers.
Mrs Paterson’s group will be reading the green book ‘My dog Ned’ and will be practising reading accurately. They will also be holding and writing simple sentences.
Mrs Browne’s group will be reading ‘I think I want to be a bee’ and writing about what they would like to be when they are older.
Mrs Braim’s group are reading ‘Tom Thumb’ and will be practising reading at speed. They will be using adjectives to write a lost poster.
Mrs Cross’ group are reading ‘The poor goose’ and will be using their understanding of the story to retell it through the eyes of one of the characters.
Children are to see their individual phonics class dojo page for their learning.
Read Write inc speed sound lesson link
Maths: This week we are focussing on place value to 50. Looking at reading, writing, counting, representing and partitioning numbers up to 50.
Project: We are continuing our learning on the brain and beginning to find out more about our five senses.
We will be posting daily learning (PowerPoints, videos, website links) on Class Dojos.
We look forward to seeing all your great learning!