Year 3’s February Update

This month in Literacy, the children have written a setting description about the Giant’s Causeway in Ireland. They focused on using adjectives and adverbs to create expanded noun phrases to make their writing exciting and interesting for the reader.

In Numeracy,. the children have learnt methods for multiplying a two-digit number by a single digit number, for example 32 x 5. This half term, the children are expected to learn and recall their 8x table fluently – please support your child by practising at home!

During Science lessons, the children have enjoyed the start of their new topic ‘Animals and Humans’. They looked at the digestive system and how nutrients are absorbed into the blood stream using real food and re-creating the digestive system in the classroom!

Child sticking on paper onto cardboard box

As part of their Design and Technology project, the children designed and made their own castle using materials available to them. The design specification was that their castle must be strong and sturdy, have a flag and a drawbridge.

As part of their geographical learning on the local area, the children will be walking down to Ironbridge next Wednesday at 1:30pm. Please ensure they wear their school uniform but bring their trainers/walking shoes with them.