Welcome back! We hope you had a wonderful half term and are ready for another great week of learning at home and school.
This week in literacy, we will be focusing on the character King Arthur, using our inference skills to explore his appearance and personality, and using our descriptive language to write a character description.
In maths, we will be continuing our work on developing our multiplication strategies moving onto using a formal written method.
During our foundation curriculum, we will be using our science and geography skills to explore both human and natural changes in the environments and the potential dangers these pose to living things and understanding that that people can also improve the environment. In Spanish we will be learning the days of the week, focusing on our pronunciation. Finally, in geography we will be learning how to use longitude and latitude as co-ordinates to find and locate places on the globe using an atlas.
Daily planning will be posted throughout the school day on our Class dojo pages so remember to check regularly.
Website timetable overview 22.2.21