Year 3’s May Update

Year 3 have had an amazing month!

The children started the month off with a visit to Wroxeter Roman City to begin their learning about the Romans. The children were fascinated with the interesting facts they learnt about Roman life.

In their Literacy lessons, the children have written a recount of their visit to Wroxeter and from their writing they really enjoyed their visit!

In Numeracy, the children have been completing their learning on measures and learning how to add coins and calculate change.

As part of their Science learning, they have been investigating the permeability of rocks to find out which rock would be most suitable for a roof. The children really enjoyed making careful observations and concluding which rock they thought would be most suitable.

As part of their PE lessons, the children have been learning a sequence of movements to a song ‘Run, Boy, Run’. These movements were performed in unison or a canon motion and we are hoping to film the children’s dance once they have completed it.