Bubble Closure 29.01.21

Dear Parents and Carers,

Today I have been informed of a positive case of COVID-19 and have had to close a year 3 class. As a precaution, the year 1 bubble is also closed as a sibling of the positive case, is awaiting a test result. Year 1 parents will be informed during the weekend about the result. If we are lucky and this is negative, the children in year 1, who are currently attending school, can return on Monday.

I have liaised closely with the Telford and Wrekin Health Protection Hub and the Local Authority. I appreciate that this may be concerning for you, but I would like to reassure you that the school risk assessments are tight, all health and safety measures have been very strictly followed, and no other class bubbles have been affected currently.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards

Yvonne Crilly