Year 5 April Learning

What a busy April we have had! He is just a snippet of the children’s learning.

Our theme in History has focused on Maya civilisation. The children have been researching how the Mayas ruled and compared it to how the Anglo-Saxons ruled, using a variety of resources. Investigated the location of the Maya civilisation. Looking in more detail, at what modern-day countries their city-states and temples were located in, what hemisphere it’s in, the climate and what direction you’d need to travel from the UK to get there.

They children were also lucky enough to investigate a variety of Maya artefacts.

During Literacy the children have been learning about a Maya myth called The hero Twins. They have been creating setting and character descriptions, using figurative language to engage the readers, which lead to the children recreating the myth, improving the original with their own descriptive language.

During Maths the children have been learning their decimal number bonds to 1 and 10  answering questions like these 1.1 + 8.9 = 10       2.1 + 7.9 = 10 1.2 + 8.8 = 10       2.2 + 7.8 = 10 as well as missing number problems e.g. 0.2 + ⃝ = 1 or 3.6 + ⃝ = 10.

Using this game will help your child practise decimal number bonds to 1 and also 10 in a fun and engaging way. Can they beat their previous score? Can they beat your score?

Not only have the children been learning decimal numbers but also angle estimating, reading and drawing as well as measuring perimeters.


In science this month, we have been continuing our work on materials and specifically how to separate materials using varying techniques. Year 5 were set the challenge of being marooned on a desert island and in desperate need of drinking water. Each group were given a sample of sea water whereby they needed to separate all the polluted items from it and make it as clean as possible to be consumed. The children used techniques such as removing by hand, sieving, using a magnet to remove magnetic items and filtering. However, the children soon realised that the sea water was in fact a salt water solution. In order to remove the salt, the children placed their water samples on the window sill to allow the water to evaporate, thus leaving the salt crystals behind as they’re too heavy to evaporate with the water. The children did noticed that to collect the water, it would need to be condensed by coming into contact with something cool.

February in Year 1!

Wow – what a great few weeks we have had in Year 1. We are excited to share the children’s achievements with you!


The teachers in Year 1 have been super impressed with the children’s reading skills this half term. Our target is to read all Set 3 Sounds at speed by Easter – lots of us are already there, keep practising at home using the Virtual Classroom videos that are sent out weekly. The children have also been improving their fluency skills, which in turn, has improved their understanding of texts. We love to see so many of you reading at home. The children have also been working hard at transferring these reading skills to their writing. They are getting much better at writing sentences that make sense; using with capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. The children have been learning to use connectives to add more detail to their writing.

The children thoroughly enjoyed their visit from the author Sarah Griffiths – we have used her book as a ‘Favourite Five’ text this half term.


Within Numbersense the children have continued to develop their understanding of number through ‘making and breaking numbers to 9’.

Alongside this, the children have enjoyed reading, writing and counting within numbers to 100 and looking at place value by representing amounts using dienes. The children have really impressed staff by learning how to count in groups of two and representing amounts in arrays, beginning to show a good understanding of multiplication.


The children are enjoying their on-going enquiries into the United Kingdom and the rest of the world. They are able to recall the 4 countries that make up the UK and can discuss the 7 continents of the world. More recently, the children have been exploring the seas and oceans that surround the UK and are looking forward to finding out more about the 5 oceans of the world. They have represented their findings through map work, collaborative building and drawing and writing.


The children have gained new knowledge about animals, including humans within their science enquiries. During their science lessons, the children have investigated (both using the internet, non-fiction texts and exploring the outdoor areas) and found out new information about the anatomy of the human body and, in particular, the five senses. One child wondered if all human’s eat the same foods, which led us on to our current investigation into the diets of all animals, including humans. The children are now exploring the concepts herbivores, omnivores and carnivores and educators wonder if the children spot any similarities or differences between each of these groups? The children have represented their findings through scientific drawings, building, painting and through the use of Venn diagrams.



In PE, the children are continuing to develop their fundamental movement skills and have enjoyed following the rules of outdoor sports games within their outdoor PE sessions


In Music, the children have gained knowledge around a wider range of music genres and enjoyed listening to and appraising different songs.

Year 6 – February

During February, the children took part in workshop sessions from PCSO Karl Jolly. The children learnt about drugs and alcohol, online safety and knife crime. The children looked at the side effects of drugs and alcohol and saw examples of how personal data can be shared online.

The children explored their topic unit of ‘Fight for Freedom’ in literacy, history and geography. The children looked at the journey of the Titanic and the passengers – who they were and why they were travelling. They compared this to the Pilgrims’ journey to America and their reasons for travel. They also compared a region in the UK to a region in the USA, specifically looking at physical and human geography features.

Year 6 completed newspaper reports about the sinking of the Titanic in literacy. The children learnt about features of a newspaper report, colons, semi-colons and dashes and formal and informal language. The children have also explored the story, ‘Kaspar, Prince of Cats’ by Michael Morpurgo, which has influence their own narratives about Kaspar – a prequel and sequel.

November in Year 5

It’s been another busy month in Year 5!


In literacy this month, the children have been investigating what life was like for a working Victorian child where they produced a non-chronological report, detailing the jobs they may have done. In addition, the children were introduced to our quality text ‘Street Child’ by Berlie Doherty with links to our Victorian Shropshire theme and those of working Victorian children. Year 5 have explored some of the literary techniques such as expanded noun phrases to describe characters and settings, as well as similes and personification figurative language to provide imagery and engage the reader.

In Science, the children began their new topic of Materials where they compared and grouped materials based on their properties, whilst exploring the school grounds to investigate what materials were present and why that material had been specifically chosen to carry out its job.

In maths the children have doing lots of work on decimals, specifically adding and subtracting decimal numbers using mental strategies as well as standard written methods. Towards the end of the month, the children began some fraction work by representing fractions using practical resources.

Reception News- Autumn 2, Week 4

It’s been another busy week in reception! The children have been busy learning all of the songs and practicing for their upcoming nativity performance. During reception project time, children have been thinking carefully about how we keep our brains and our bodies healthy. Learners have explored the effects that exercise has on our bodies and looked carefully at what makes a healthy plate of food.


The ‘Favourite Five’ story next week will be ‘Sharing a Shell’ by Julia Donaldson which links to Personal, Social and Emotional Development as the children think about sharing.

Key Vocabulary to share with your child:

  • shell
  • share
  • gull
  • empty
  • scuttle
  • safe
  • blob
  • anemone
  • tentacle
  • grown

Reception will continue to practice their Nativity songs next week.

For next weeks reception project, children will be thinking about different organs in the body following on from our learning on leading a healthy lifestyle.

Key Vocabulary

  • heart
  • lungs
  • digestive system
  • brain
  • organs
  • anatomy
  • growth
  • healthy


The Secrets of Success award this week was for Concentrate – well done to Freddie, Brodie, Albie & Margot! You have shown us how hard you are all working on your concentration skills!


This week, it was orange group’s turn to take their learning journeys home to share all of their hard work with their families. Please remember to return on Monday.

Year 6 – October

Year 6 have had a busy October!

Year 6 have spent their Personal Development sessions looking at relationships, respectful relationships and stereotypes. The children have shared their ideas about what respectful relationships look like and identified examples of respectful relationships. When learning about stereotypes, the children identified how stereotypes can be harmful and what can be done to break stereotypes.

The children started their science experiment about how mould grows. The children have predicted in which environment mould will grow the most (in a warm climate, damp climate etc). The children have recorded their results over 2 weeks and will summarise their findings in November.

In history, the children have continued to learn about the Ancient Egyptian Civilisation, including Howard Carter’s discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb. The children researched the lives of Howard Carter and Tutankhamun, linking their knowledge to the history and geography substantive concepts. This knowledge will then support their writing of Howard Carter’s diary over the next few weeks.

The children enjoyed ‘Foundation Week’ during the last week of half term, where they looked at photography in art, 3D design in computing and dilemmas in RE (with links to Buddhism). The children looked at macro photography in the style of Edward Weston and photomontage in the style of Hannah Hock before creating their own self portraits using the grid method.

Reception Information Autumn 2 Week 4

Hi everyone,

Here is key information to support your child’s learning next week.

Our focus story will be ‘Stick Man’ by Julia Donaldson


Our focus song will be Songs from our Nativity, the link below will take you to a playlist of all the songs – please get practising!




Story – wakes, jog, fetch, freed, twirl, floating, weave, drifts, foam, knight, doze

Please share the song and story, along with key vocabulary to introduce your child to their learning.


Don’t forget it is our Bedtime Stories session after school on Monday. If you signed for your child to attend then pick up time is 4.30 please. We will read a selection of stories in front of a warm, cosy fire (on the interactive whiteboard!) and the children can enjoy a cup of hot chocolate with a biscuit if they wish. They can also bring a cuddly toy to snuggle up to.


Well done to the SOS winners this week – Tommy-Lee, Ren, Poppy and Soglo ! We focused on ‘Working Hard’ and were very impressed with your hard work. Well done to all of the other children too – you have all achieved amazing things, keep it up!


This week it was green group’s turn to take their books home to share with their friends and family over the weekend! Please have a look at the accompanying letter and discuss this with your child. Please ensure your return your child’s book on Monday. Happy sharing!


You have officially been invited to our 2022 EYFS nativity performance on Friday 9th November 2022! Please see the invite below for your child’s performance time. We can’t wait! Remember to please bring in your costumes by Monday 5th December. If you are having any issues with this, please speak to a member of the team.

Please find below our most recent Autumn 2 Curriculum Overview – this will inform you of what we are getting up to over the next few weeks!

Curriculum overview Reception Autumn 2

May in Year 5

It’s been another busy month and we’d love to share with you everything we have been doing in Year 5.

In science this term we have been learning about living things and their habitats. Firstly, Year 5 went on a walk around the school environment, observing and investigating the different plant and animal life in our local environment. We noticed an abundance of different plant and insect species that are found around our school. We then very carefully dissected a flower to investigate its different parts, how they work and look into greater detail how plants pollinate and reproduce.

We were very lucky this month to be visited by PC Fenn, who came to speak to us about Wildlife crime. He discussed the illegal poaching of animals and the environmental damage that humans cause, destroying their habitats.

On Friday 13th May we had a Mental Health Awareness day, looking specifically at loneliness. We looked at the different ways that people can feel or become lonely and how we can help, offering advice and ways we can make others feel included.

With the country celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee early next month, we have created portraits of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in the style of Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama. Sometimes known as the ‘princess of polka dots’, we’ve used her unique style to inspire our creations, thinking carefully about the size, medium and colour used to produce a piece of artwork that honours our long-serving monarch.


Marvellous May in Nursery!

What a fabulous time we have had in Nursery this month!

Nursery Project

For two days a week the children in Nursery have spent time in both the ‘Forest School’ and the ‘Garden’ and ‘Snake Garden’ areas. This has provided the children with rich and varied opportunities to develop their communication and language skills, personal social and emotional skills and physical skills.

The children have been offered the inquiry ‘I wonder what we know about working together?’

Educators have worked with the children to develop their inquiries as they explore the outside learning environments together.

The educators have offered the children a range of exploration and learning opportunities…..

  • Digging
  • Investigating creatures
  • Role playing
  • Building
  • Movement
  • Story-telling                                                                                                               A culture of communication and respect has been nurtured within the group as children are supported to share ideas and work together.

Investigating creatures everywhere……….


“The spiders got legs…the worms got no legs to move…the spider can run fast!” – Jenson

“It feels like slime….it’s wiggling to move.” “the worms like dirt cause they find food in there!”- Ivor-James

“The bees and the butterflies are friends. They get the honey.” – Fleur

“Look there’s a spider under the stone. It’s his house. I wanna hold it!” – Lachlan

Role play naturally develops as children and adults imagine and create story telling together…….

“Rice…yeah…cook more and more! Faster!”- Zayn-Malik

“Mix it up….it’s chocolate!” “I’m cooking meat, tomato.” – Mahnoor

“We just making soup….salt please…..can you get that bit in please?”

“I am cooking with the rocks….I am making a birthday cake! I am hungry….you go sit on chairs”. – Harry

“I’m hungry…can you do me some food? Yeah I’ll have watermelon.” – Ophelia

“I’m making pink ice-cream…it’s only two to buy one”.

Children reflect together after clearing the raised beds and suggest how they would like to use them…….they decide on flowers, growing things to eat, a home for the bugs and somewhere butterflies and insects would like to visit.

Over a period of time children and educators work together to develop these ideas. They examine and plant seeds, then nurture them as they wait patiently for them to grow.

Children and educators discuss their ideas together as their inquiry about growing develops.

“That’s a seed…it needs soil, then you put a seed in…..then you need water…then it will grow!” – Daisy

“It goes in soil and it grows….water and sun…makes tomatoes”. – Hope

“I think they are seeds…they grow into trees! Need soil, then it will grow!”

“We have got to get the bugs out cause they are eating my plants!” – Jenson

For the remainder of the week children in Nursery have engaged with a range of learning throughout the EYFS.

Snake Garden

The children learning in Snake Garden have been investigating ‘What is in Snake Garden? They have used natural resources to develop role play together.

Children have welcomed the chickens in to their new ‘chicken coop’ and have spent time getting to know them and taking care of them. Educators have been learning about the life cycles of animals and plants.

Creatures have been further investigated as the children wonder ‘What’s underneath?’ the soil or the logs.


Children are being supported in the outside area to share their ideas and listen to others as they develop their collaborative learning skills.

A wider range of resources have been introduced to the outside area as the weather has improved this term (paints, chalks, plants, gardening, water, seeds, quiet story areas). The children, through collaborative reflection, have expressed interest in developing planting spaces and areas to attract small creatures such as butterflies. The educators and the children have been working together to develop and improve the ‘garden’.

Alongside this learning children are enjoying building and much of this learning has supported children’s geographical land scientific knowledge. Recently the children have been asked by the educators ‘I wonder what you know about holidays’.

Children have reflected on their own experiences of holidays and begun to develop their shared ideas as they build caravans, trains, aeroplanes, holiday houses etc.

“I want to go on holiday in a submarine and visit the Eiffel Tower!”

“We are going on holiday in a caravan…we need lots of toys in the back of our caravan!”


The children have been incorporating their ideas and experiences of the animals in EYFS into their story telling and writing. The educators have supported this through the use of the text ‘Chicken Licken’ and then asked the children the question.. ‘What happens next?’

“They went to Taco Bell for dinner!”

“The chicken goes in the castle and he gets a sword and then the chicken is the queen!”

Children have developed their ideas using drawing, writing, role play and discussion. They plan to write story endings in booklet/story form next.


To develop the children’s knowledge about the United Kingdom the children have been learning about the country ‘Wales’. Children brought lots of experiences about Wales to their own and the groups learning through family trips and holidays.

“I went to Barmouth beach and had fish and chips and hot donuts. They speak English but it is a different country.”

The educators uses videos, google maps and texts to support children’s ideas and thinking. They investigate castles and the history relating to the castles using a range of resources (paint, pen, clay, and blocks).

“The castle has got turrets the knights used to hide behind them.”

Welsh farms are then investigated and Welsh Rarebit is made….

“The cheese is in Wales and then it comes to the shops in England.”

Block Area

Recently in block area the children have been investigating ‘transport’.

The educator and the children have worked together to develop their knowledge and understanding about steam trains and how they work.

They made a trip together to the library for information books about transport, this has helped inform the children’s designs and writing.

The children have been working both individually and collaboratively to develop their ideas and build their designs.


The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

The children have recently enjoyed learning about the Queen, the Royal family and about the meaning of the upcoming Jubilee celebrations!

Within the café area the children prepared, cooked and presented a jubilee banquet! After careful research, the children chose to make a selection of sandwiches, including coronation chicken, Victoria sponges and scones. Please have a look at the beautiful display created by the children in the photos below – it was quintessentially British!



The children have also enjoyed looking at the artist Henri Matisse as part of school’s art project. They worked hard to create a portrait of the queen in Matisse abstract style! Here is a photo of the collaborative piece the children created.

The children have also enjoyed role-playing as the royal family, building Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle and writing about the Queen. We enjoyed wearing red, white and blue in preparation to celebrate at our school Jubilee Fayre.