Help us protect our community

Message from Mrs Crilly
As you are all aware, schools all over the borough are working extremely hard to ensure that pupils attending schools in Telford and Wrekin, continue to stay safe during this pandemic. We are doing our utmost to ensure that we can reduce the risk of transmission in and around school during this time. We are grateful that families are informing us, when children have inevitably been in close contact with others who have received a positive test, or are showing symptoms of Coronavirus.

If you are asked to self-isolate, it is important that you follow the NHS/Government advice, which is there to help keep you, your loved ones, and your community safe. Unfortunately, it has come to my attention that a number of families that should be isolating are not following the isolation guidelines. In practical terms, if you are requested to isolate, this means that you must:
• stay at home
• not go to work, school or public areas
• not use public transport like buses, trains, tubes or taxis
• avoid having visitors to your home or visiting others

Self-isolation is about protecting others and slowing down the spread of COVID-19. It is very important that anyone who has the virus, or might have been exposed to it, limits the number of people they come into contact with for 14 days. This is the most effective way of preventing the coronavirus from spreading.

I am saddened that the staff and I feel we need to remind our community about these guidelines again, as I am fully aware that the large majority of us are following the rules and helping to prevent transmission. However, we have had, a number of reports of children and members of their family that should be isolating, playing out in the community with others, visiting friends’ homes and local supermarkets. We have also had secondary pupils that we know should be in isolation due to bubble closures, attempt to gain access to our school site.

I am therefore asking you all once again, to help us to help you, by doing your best to follow the guidance and help to prevent any outbreaks (a sudden rise in the number of positive cases) of COVID 19, here at Woodlands.
Many thanks
Mrs Crilly