The children in literacy have been learning how to write an expanded noun phase to improve sentences before using them in an independent piece of writing based on the story ‘Toby and the Great Fire of London’. After a visit from the Exotic Zoo, the children planned and wrote a persuasive letter to Mrs Crilly to persuade her to get a school pet, using a rhetorical question.
In maths, the children have been learning fractions (½ ¼ 1/3) of shapes and amounts. They have revisited how to read and write the time to the nearest hour and half an hour before moving on to learn quarter past and quarter to. The children then moved on to learning how to read and write the time to the nearest 5 minutes. During this term, the children have continued to consolidate their understanding of 2D and 3D shapes and their properties.
Fraction ICT games
Fraction finder –
Firepit Fractions –
Fraction fiasco –
Telling the time game
Clock demonstrator –
Hickory, Dickory, Clock –
Throughout the spring term, the children continued to research and find out more about the Great Fire of London. The children worked together to use different sources to discover the cause and consequences of the Great Fire of London and the impact it had on life in Britain following the event. The children then used their research to sequence the events of the fire on a timeline before writing a descriptive recount of the events.
In science, the children have been investigating and compare the properties of different materials. They have taken part in experiments looking in greater detail of each material and their suitability for a particular use. The children have found out which materials can change shape and have discussed why some materials can and some can’t.
The children have been learning how to play the notes B and A on the recorders and have been able play the notes when following a piece of music.