May in Year 6!

May has just flown by!

During the latter half of May, we have started to investigate ‘Ancient Egypt – Rich and Poor’. After initial research, we generated a variety of questions that we would like to find out about during our learning.   We look forward to exploring this ancient civilisation and keeping you updated on what we have learnt about.

After lots of investigating of electrical circuits, we used test results to make predictions and set up further comparative and fair tests in independent investigations. After planning our investigations, considering the independent and dependent factors, we carried them out and presented our findings in our own way – ranging from powerpoints to posters to a drama presentation! Whilst groups was presenting the rest of the class listened and evaluated the presentation against a scientific conclusion criteria. Each group listed to the feedback and decided how they could improve upon this for next time.

In year 6, we have started some secondary transition work. To begin with, we looked at choices an individual makes and recognising that these choices have positive and negative impacts. Then, we have looked at a fixed mindset and growth mindset. We then identified targets for our own personal development during Summer 2 and Autumn 1 in secondary school. Furthermore, this month, most of secondary schools (head of Year 7) , that we are going to, have visited ( either in person or by TEAMS)  us to tell us all about the school and answered any of our questions.

We look forward to June – and the learning that will take place.

Don’t forget to keep up with all our news and messages on Dojo!

Science Presentations Science Presentation