As we head into our final week of our 1st half term in Nursery, we would like to say well done to all of the children for how well they have settled into school routines at Woodlands.

Key Information for Week 7

Our focus story will be ‘Room on the Broom’ by Julia Donaldson 

Here is a link to the story to share with your child:

Our focus song will be ‘When You Want to Make A Spell’

Here’s a link to the song –

For our Nursery project learning, the children will be continuing to explore our Forest School. They have been looking at the changes taking place as we head further into Autumn and searching for creatures that live in their. The children have been using their imagination, role-playing traditional tales in the forest area and using garden equipment to dig in the flower beds.

Key Vocabulary

Story – Howl, growl, shriek, croak, wand, cauldron, wailed, ginger, plait, bounded, keen, moor, bog, thundering.

Nursery Project – Summer, Autumn, seasons, cold, weather, warm, hot, leaf, tree, seed, sapling, crunchy, rustling, branch, stick

Autumn Stay and Learn – Thursday 20th October 2022

Please see the invite to our annual stay and learn. We hope to see as many of you there as possible.

We would usually invite children to wear spooky clothes to school on the day of our autumn stay and learn. However, this year the school photos are on the same day so decided against this! We are instead asking children to bring a spooky hat, mask, cloak etc to wear for the event, which is easily removable for school photographs.


Well done to our SOS winners this week – Tommy, Lena, Essie and Grace we have been focusing on ‘Imagine’. All the children have shown us their imagination this week during our project learning sessions. Well done!

Wow Moments!

Please remember to keep capturing your child’s achievements at home and let us know all about them by writing a Wow Moments slip! As always, we really value your input into the beginning of their school journey here at Woodlands.