Nursery News Summer 1 week 5

It’s been another learning-filled week in nursery.

During their adult-directed learning, the children have been working on their gross motor skills and physical development. They practised their throwing and catching skills and developed balance and agility on the apparatus as well as jumping and hopping.

Next week, nursery will be revisiting the favourite five stories from this half term. So please revisit previous posts for your favourite stories.

Our song of the week for next week will be ‘Oats and beans and barley grow’ 

Nursery Project

Nursery will be in forest school for their project learning next week. The children have been considering the changes in the natural environment as we explore spring and looking at seeds and growth.

Please share the key vocabulary to support your child’s learning:

  • grow
  • seed
  • root
  • shoot
  • stem
  • leaves
  • plant
sos winners

This week the SOS award was for ‘Don’t Give Up’. The winners wowed us with their resilience, a huge well done to Haleema, Shernice, Eliza and Charlie.