Spring term information

Happy New Year!

Spring term has started and we would like to share, what Year 5 have planned.

Our topics for this term will be Conflict within the monarchies, where we begin by looking at the Timeline the Monarchs of Britain since 1066, moving on to Biographies on a Historical Monarch and the Victorian Legacy. The texts we will be using in class are: Street Child by Berlie Doherty, Silver by Walter DeLamare and Oliver Twist.

During Science our focus is Forces, gravity, air resistance, water resistance and friction.

P.E will again be on Thursdays (outdoor) and Fridays (indoor), we ask that P.E kit is in school at the beginning of the week and taken home on Friday.

Homework is handed out on a Friday and is to be returned on the following Thursday unless otherwise stated.  Homework will consist of a spelling and maths activity.

Reading with an adult at home at least 2 times a week (Parents need to comment and sign the reading record), then children will receive a raffle ticket each week, which will be entered into the end of term class draw. On the other days, children to read independently and comment in their reading diary.