Then Something Moved…

Nobody in Preston could remember when the water tower was built, or who had built it, but there it stood on Shooter’s Hill – its iron legs rusted, its egg-shaped tank warped and leaking – casting a long, dark shadow across the valley – across Preston itself …’

During Literacy, we have been reading The Water Tower by Gary Crew.  In the book, something happens to one of the main characters (Bubba D’Angelo) when he visits The Water Tower on Shooter’s Hill. However, what happens to him and why is a mystery. Using our imagination, we wrote an extra chapter to try to explain what we thought happened, and why, to Bubba. While writing in the same style as Gary Crew, we focussed on cohesive devices and semi-colons, dashes and colons for independent clauses. We also wrote a setting description for the area of Shooters’ Hill, where the Water Tower stands over the town. Some examples of our work is displayed in the corridor by our classrooms.