Understanding your child course

!!!Free Online Course for Parents!!!
Understanding your Child

Could this be the weirdest start of a term ever? Children and young people need all the emotional support they can get right now, from adults with space to think about how they communicate emotions through their behaviour.

Did you know that online courses for parents/carers and staff about children’s physical, emotional and brain development have been prepaid in this area, making £88 worth of content FREE for residents of Telford! These courses don’t lecture, they explain psychological and neuroscience in jargon free bite sized chunks.

Highly recommended for all!
To access the course visit the in our place website. https://inourplace.co.uk/

Log on details:
Access code: DARWIN18
Create an account** and start right now!
The available courses are:

‘Understanding your child’ 0-19 years (main course)
‘Understanding your teenager’s brain’ (short course).